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While on her way to the shop, Sieon saw two ladies going in the opposite direction, one of them had strawberries in her small basket.

The red, fruit looked so soft, sweet and juicy. Sieon closed her open mouth and changed her direction towards the fruit stalls knowing what she had to do before going to the shop.

After purchasing the bright crimson fruit, she made her way towards the shop. She walked faster because she knew she was late –after attending San in the morning and purchasing strawberries.

Before she could enter the shop, Sieon heard someone's voice she wasn't expecting to, "Jiwon unnie knows, tomorrow everyone will know! Don't you think Sieon have had enough of this?!" She heard Yeji's voice clearly. She was speaking loudly.

"Calm down Yeji. I agree, Sieon have had enough, but what can I do–"

"Tell her to stop! She already knows her situation and everyone else, I'm shocked she still have guts to–"

Having enough of it she opened the shop's door, staring at the pair with furrowed brows.

Both the girls stared at her shocked, They think I heard it.

So, she smiled instead, "Yeji's here..? Hello!" She came in and placed her things on her table. "Um, what happened? Why did you stop taking?"

Yeji and Chaeyoung passed each other a look and Chaeyoung smiled at Sieon. "No, nothing. Yeji was asking me if I had time to sew her dress. I told her you have though."

Now they think I didn't hear it.
Sieon looked at Yeji, "I do."
She nodded.

"I'm not sure about it, right now, though. Let's see what mom decides." Yeji replied nervously while nodding.

She stood up and bid her farewell, however the looked she passed to Chaeyoung didn't go unnoticed by Sieon.

A while passed and Sieon knew that sooner or later, Chaeyoung will ask her about what Yeji said. So she decided to break the silence herself, "Chae, you know the rule, that if someone is far from their house during Bell Nights, you should give them space in your house for a night, right?"

Chaeyoung stared at her for a second before she nodded her head, "Yes."

"Last night San came to my cabin and I had to let him stay for the night." Sieon said while casually continuing her work, hoping that Chaeyoung wouldn't get suspicious.

"Oh, that's," Chaeyoung hesitated, "That's good. I mean, its a good things to help someone, but I think he should've went to someone else's house."

"He was panicking," Sieon looked at Chaeyoung, "I had no option but to let him in."

"Did you hear our conversation?" Chaeyoung furrowed her brows and dropped the incomplete shirt on her lap, "Mine and Yeji's."

"My doubts was right. You both were taking about me." Sieon shook her head in disbelief knowing that Chaeyoung will tell her what she heard, herself.

Chaeyoung sighed in defence, "Look Sieon, I can't hide anything from you... Yeji told me that Jiwon told her about you. She saw San exiting your house and that made her suspicious."

Sieon rolled her eyes, "Why can I not live peacefully? When will those leaches stop sucking off me?!"

Chaeyoung was taken aback by the young one's outburst but she got more concerned for her instead and quickly ran to her, abandoning her work.

"Sieon," Chaeyoung sat on her knees in front of Sieon and looked up to her, "Calm down."

"You really think I can calm down? Do I have no right to get angry when the people here are senselessly making fun of me? Assuming wrong stuff about me?" Sieon's ears turned red and her knuckles white.

"Sieon..." Chaeyoung felt helpless not being able to help her friend. She rubbed her hand in order to ease her, "Please, don't be like this."

Sieon suddenly stood up from her chair and Chaeyoung followed her action, "I'll be back soon."

Chaeyoung didn't have to be told twice as Sieon was already out of the shop, out of her sight.

Sieon had spent hard times mostly alone. Knowing that one couldn't comfort her, she won't stay with and disturb them either.

Chaeyoung's eyes suddenly landed on the strawberries sitting on the side table and a gloomier feeling took over her. She hoped that Sieon would return soon with a cooler mind.
The sun set earlier than expected and Sieon was also home sooner then her usual time.

Previously in afternoon, she went back to the shop with a better mood and didn't spent a lot of time in the park.
She knew how much Chaeyoung would be worried for her especially since she alone wasn't the reason for her anger.

It was still 8 at night and Sieon couldn't help but think about what she heard Yeji say;
Jiwon unnie knows, tomorrow everyone will know!
Tell her to stop!

It hurt to still think about it but Sieon couldn't divert her attention to anything else. At that point she didn't even feel like going to someone's place was a good idea.

Jisung's place?
It seemed like a bad idea too.

But then she realized where she was supposed to go to and so, she stood up and made her way towards her door to exit.

"Sieon, you? At this hour?"  The brunette boy asked her confused from her late, unexpected visit.

"Hello, Yeosang," Sieon breathed, "Um, where is San?"

"Oh, he's not–"

"I'm here,"

Both, Sieon and Yeosang looked at San's direction as he stood not far behind Sieon, his eyes shining with the moon.

Sieon glanced at Yeosang and back at San, "Can we talk."

San and Sieon stopped at a distance from the residential area so that no one could really see them.

The boy was confused at Sieon's sudden visit and was curious why she dragged him into the woods –a way towards the river.

"Remember when I told you the reason why I was ignoring you?" Sieon asked before San could ask anything.

He nodded, answering, "Villagers like to assume stuff."

"Yes," she licked her lips, "Stay away from me. They have started to assume things and I can not handle it."

"What?" The idea of staying away from Sieon was going to be a loss. Staying with her was beneficial. He couldn't let go this easily. "We're just friends, then why–"

"You aren't the only one," She looked at him dead in the eyes, "There are more boys, villagers have assumed stuff with. Some of them weren't even my friends. I met them once and it became a big deal. At least I've met you more than once. Alot," She looked around herself and sighed, "They won't stop so it's better if we do. Besides, it's not like we will die if we won't meet each other–"

"I can't stop!"

Sieon was caught off guard, "Huh, But why–?"

"Because, I like you."
a/n: I had this in my drafts, I swear it's the last (like, not last last but last for now). I'll be back someday! Take care.

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