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The sun rose over the village.
San sat with his friends, Wooyoung and Yeosang, the weight of his secret pressing heavily on his shoulders.
He told them about the conflict in his mind and asked them what to do.

Yeosang spoke first, "San, it's clear that you care deeply for Sieon. If you keep hiding the truth, it will only bring more pain in the long run. Maybe it's time to tell her about your true nature and let her decide if she wants to be a part of it."

Wooyoung shook his head, "But that can bring us down as well."
San looked at him confused, so he continued, "Look, I get it that San loves Sieon, but we still barely know her. What if she finds in all too overwhelming and reveals the truth."

"She won't do that." San defended her, "Even if she is shocked after learning the truth...she would never do anything that could hurt me in any way."

Yeosang nodded in agreement, "Being honest with her is the right thing to do, even if it's difficult. Trust in the bond you share, and she might surprise you with her understanding."

"Yeosang has an opinion of his own, so do I. Think about it carefully, San. We might have to leave someday soon, so it might even be better to just not tell her the truth and leave her with good memories to cherish."

San took in their advice, his heart torn between his feelings for Sieon and his duty. He knew the decision he had to make was significant, but the fear of losing her held him back.

While San wrestled with his inner turmoil, an unforeseen storm was brewing in the village. Word had somehow spread about Sieon's affair with the newcomer. From one to another, a group of gossipping women had all they needed to know.

A lady, filled with envy and spite, took it upon herself to confront Sieon. Along with a group she went to Sieon's home, uninvited, and entered inside as if it was theirs.

"What is it?" Sieon asked knowing exactly what they were going to talk about.

"Your behavior obviously," the rudest of them all, Lady Gu replied, the one who despised Sieon whose feelings were mutual.

Sieon tried to keep calm, "What exactly?"

"Oh come on, don't act innocent now, your previous affairs were no less now that you've added another one to the list," Ms. An snickered.

"Marriage is not even an exception at this rate, but who would even consider you?" A lady with gentle yet sharp sarcastic tone taunted.

Sieon scoffed, "I wonder how low one would have to go to enter someone's house uninvite and accuse them without evidence–"

"Low? Look who's talking."

"And the evidence you're asking, young lady, it's the eyes that are the witness."

"You thought no one would see you spending time with San," Ms. An asked.

"Or see him coming to your house at night and leaving at dawn," Lady Gu glared at Sieon who glared back with teary eyes.

"Enough," she ordered firmly.

"What happened? Cat got your tongue?"

"Get out if my house, right now," she stood up, and pointed at her door.

"Aww, seems like someone is upset. Don't you get it Sieon, you're a bad influence to our young girls here, and a danger for our boys–"

Sieon done with their behavior, raised her voice, "I said, enough-!"

"You shameless girl!" the lady sneered, "Seducing nice boys like San, with no family to call your own and no manners to speak of! You're nothing but a burden to this village."

Sieon's heart pounded in her chest as tears fell from her eyes. She had found happiness in the company of San, believing that love transcended all boundaries, but now she felt the weight of society's judgment crushing her spirit.

"I haven't done anything wrong!" she protested, her voice quivering. "Love is not a sin, and I am not a burden."

"Love?" the women laughed, "Well in that case, you have probably loved a lot of men-"

"Shut up!" Sieon shouted.

But the women's hearts were hardened, their minds clouded by prejudice and a desire to uphold tradition. They remained unmoved by her plea, each word lashing at her like a whip.

Another lady, Mrs. Lim walked closer to her, "You're lucky we didn't collect the whole village and threw you out of here, Sieon. Think of this as a final warning, pack your stuff and leave. Before we take the matters in our hands sweetie."

They were probably enjoying mocking Sieon but one of them didn't.

Ms. An spoke up again, "Oh Sieon, we tried to warn you before as well, long before San came here. But I guess no advice works on you does it? You've seduced an upright, kind boy and you'll ruin him won't you?"

"In what language do you not understand 'get out'?" Sieon replied, trying to sound unfazed but her teary face said otherwise, her voice coming out weak.

The women left the place making sure to make more comments regarding Sieon and her characters breaking her more than she was already.

Previous night, Chaeyoung and now villagers. Eventually everyone would know, they would all be against San and Sieon together, and she would become the culprit once again. Like always.

Sieon fell on the ground and started crying, loosing the ties around her heart and giving up keeping guard around herself which had been continuously being attacked by others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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