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"Sieon, guess what."

"What, Chae?" she asked, not in the mood of her friend's ‘Guess What’ game.

"You won't be believe me!" Chaeyoung dropped on the sofa with her pupils dilated in surprise.

"Trust me I will," Sieon said with a hint of sarcasm and stopped her sewing machine, "I've been with you since last night, and never once doubted any story you told me. Even the flying-boy one…"

Chaeyoung shook her head, "She, no- actually… Jiwon is getting married."

"What! No way,"

"I told you, you won't believe me!"

Sieon shook her head in denial, "So Jiwon, who falls for every boy, has someone who fell for her too?"

"Well, it's most likely an arranged marriage. But she is getting married!" Chaeyoung placed a hand over her mouth, "I forgot, I had to keep this a secret."

Sieon scoffed, "You do realize we were just now talking loud enough for any pass by-er to hear us." Chaeyoung shook her head, hoping no one heard them.
"Anyways, you went to meet Yeji so how did you get you know about– oh! That explains."

Yeji wasn't just Jiwon's best friend, but also her neighbor. So it was understandable how she would be the first one to know about this.

"But isn't that good for her?"

Chaeyoung nodded, "It is!" I can't believe one of my friends is getting married."

Sieon chortled, "Just wait for your turn Chae. You're the same age as Jiwon so I believe your time isn't far."

"Watch what you say," Chaeyoung scoffed and moved to sit on her chair, picking threads of the dress she was currently working on, "It must be easy for you since you're still young. But you know I don't want to get married anytime soon. I like how I live now; alone."

"I know, I live alone too," Sieon breathed loudly, "But some day you will –we will, have to live with someone we call our husbands as well."

Chaeyoung groaned, annoyed by young one's behavior, "Can you stop it already? We were talking about Jiwon's marriage. Not ours."

Sieon laughed at Chaeyoung's childish behavior, "Okay, I'll stop. We'll only talk about Jiwon's wedding."

The wedding was indeed happening. And Jiwon was getting married to a boy her parents chose for her –without knowing that she have had a crush on him for a while.

Rather than being engaged and then married, the families decided to just go on with the wedding as none of their child had an issue and said 'yes' sooner than expected.

"Two weeks ago you told me about her marriage rumor, and in a few days we'll be getting the invitations too."

"I know right, it's happening way too soon."

"Are you sure their wasn't anything already going on between them, Yeji?"

Yeji looked at her group of friends, slightly startled at the sudden call out. She tittered, "I don't think so."

"So you aren't sure?" Nayeon asked eagerly.

"Isn't the tea in your cup enough?" Sieon interrupted, joking with a mix of taunt in her voice, "Whatever it is, I think it's well enough that they are getting married to say the least."

"Of course," Nayeon sipped the tea, irritation obvious on her face.

"Okay! So," Dahyun broke the awkwardness, "Have you thought of what you all will wear. I mean, after all, we are seamstresses ourselves."

"But I'm not," Yeji pouted joining the conversation.

"But we are. And you can ask any of us to help you out." Chaeyoung replied placing an assuring hand over her shoulder.

"Chaeyoung! Someone's at your shop," Minhyun came to the group, who's mother's shop was right besides Chaeyoung's.

"I'll go see," Sieon excused herself, grateful to whoever came to visit, since she couldn't have left the group of ‘Chaeyoung's friends’ just like that.
She clearly didn't want to go, but having less work and no client, Chaeyoung pulled Sieon with her to the small meetup which was in a nearby diner.

"Hello! Sorry for–."

"Hey," San greeted Sieon, jumping on his feet when he saw her.

"Why are you here?"

"I thought you weren't upset with me," he replied after seeing her firm facial expression.

She shook her head, "I'm asking if there is anything I can help you with. What brings you here?"

"Yeosang had given something to Chaeyoung a few days ago, that needed to be fixed."

"Alright, let me see," she moved towards Chaeyoung's counter and saw an order with Yeosang's name on it, "Here," she showed it to him, "I think this is the one."

"Thanks," he took it from her, "He had already paid her by the way."

Sieon shrugged, "It's not my concern either because Chaeyoung was the one working on it."

San nodded and stood silently for a moment as he thought of something –anything, for him stay longer.
"Maybe it's time to switch roles." Wooyoung had said.
But San clearly didn't want that to happen.

"I heard Jiwon is getting married."

Sieon nodded, moving to her table as she started tidying up, not interested in going back, "She is."

"This is the second wedding I'm hearing about, but the first one that I will experience." San went back to sit on the sofa, making himself comfortable on it.

"Well, it depends on how her wedding will be. Simple or fancy."

"I hope it's fancy though," he stated looking at the air, mind going elsewhere. "She had been really nice to me, I like her."

Sieon rolled her eyes, making a weird face as she acknowledged his words, her back facing him.
She simply wanted to ask San to leave, but decided to change the topic instead. She turned to face him, "We'll see about it. Anyways, how's Wooyoung?"

San looked at her and blinked twice, "He's, good."

"Did you take him elsewhere? Anywhere?" She asked, remembering how Wooyoung was complaining that San wasn't taking him anywhere.

"I did," he replied with a hint of disinterest in his voice.

"Great! But do let him know that he can ask me anytime as well. He seems fun, I like him."
Sieon suggested enthusiastically, talking more cheerfully than usual.

The ‘I like’ him and her was supposed to be platonic. But it surely had a nark reaction on the pair present in the shop.

San –who had an almost obvious annoyance on his face, nodded his head as he stood up, ready to leave, "Right, I'll get going now."

"Sure. And let him know about it! Bye."
Sieon smiled in satisfaction, knowing exactly why San didn't glance behind even once, as he left.

He didn't like that I'm talking about Wooyoung in front of him.
He definitely likes me.
She thought to herself, San's feelings now confirmed to her. But also afraid of what it'll bring to her.

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