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"Mama! Why do you talk to me so rarely..? You know, I brought a new locket when I got some extra pay last week. Chaeyoung is becoming more and more childish each day and I... I miss you." Sieon spoke to no one in particular as she dusted her house.

It was one of the rare days when Sieon had the greatest dream of all the times, where her mother would ask her the same question she asked her in the past, "Why is my sweetie sad? Tell Mama everything that you want to talk about!" Her mother's voice would be super assuring and happy.

When she used to talk to herself before, her aunt would teach her that it may give off a bad impression even if it's not what others may think, so she started doing it in secret.

She always waited and hoped that she could get these dreams often so she can talk to her mother because according to Sieon, it was a signal from her mother that she could talk to her.

Living alone has made her more eager for the dreams of her mother asking her that.

"You know that San guy, right? He misbehaved with me because of a misunderstanding, and didn't even give me a chance to explain myself." She huffed and pursed her lips for a second. "You're the only one who knows that I'm not wrong and I have my reasons for asking him that –or in whatever I do."

Before Sieon could converse more with her mama, she heard a knock on her door. The current day, Sieon didn't go to the shop because she had to make deliveries.

"San." She stated, bored, her voice sounding uninterested as she looked at the boy in front of her. "What is it?"

"Just came here to, see you." He replied with a same expression but his tone was as usual.

She leaned against her thin door frame, "Weren't you the one who suggested that it was good if we don't cross paths and better if we forgot about everything?"

"I did–"

"Then I don't know you and you don't know me." She cut him off and was about to close the door when he blocked it.

"Are you sure." San asked, even though he wasn't expecting that question to come out of his mouth.

"Yes." And a door was slammed a few centimeters away from his face.

San wasn't expecting Sieon to be upset from what had happened a day before. And even if she was upset, he had expected her to be fine by then, especially since he himself came to visit her.

"I warned you not to be so cocky!" Yeosang interrupted San with a louder than expected voice leaving his friend shook.

"I know," San glanced around and looked back at Yeosang. "Can you keep it down a bit."

They were both having dinner in a small street, restaurant and they weren't the only customers there.

Yeosang looked around too and nodded his head, "Whatever, but, I'm done with you."
Yeosang sighed looking at his friend's confused puppy eyes, "First, you don't tell me what exactly happened. You, yourself decide what you have to do and what not. Then you expect me to help you."

San munched his food angrily, "I'm not asking you to help me! I'm just sharing my thoughts –as a friend."

"“As a friend”." Yeosang imitated San but ended up laughing together with him. "Still, San, even Woo agrees with me."

San gulped his food and nodded his head. "Yeah, Wooyoung. When is he coming?"

"Not sure."

Having dinner at a restaurant wasn't unusual for the pair of friends. They both weren't always home and their cooking wasn't the best either.

That night San laid on his matress thinking about one thing, he messed up, with Sieon.

But something else had been bothering him since morning... Jihee.

Jihee, daughter of Mr. Oh, an year younger than San and worked as a part-time cook in one of the local restaurants.

She was a pretty, shy, tall girl. But seemingly, she had a small crush on San and he realized it the current day.



"Yeah, um, here." Jihee handed him a box of  six cookies and she didn't just hand him that, she placed her hand under his as well.

"Why, though?" He asked, completely puzzled by her actions.

"They're good. Let me know when you try them." She shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at him, "and... You look good today."

San was befuddled and awkwardly took the box before he realized that their hands were together. Before he could react to it, Jihee removed her hand and ran back into the restaurant shyly.
And well, he couldn't help but notice the redness that had spread on her cheeks.

San had met her a few, maybe three times before, but he had never imagined her to like him. Because according to him, what even caused Jihee to like him –the first time she brought breakfast for them because he and Yeosang were new? Or was it when he helped her pick up the heavy groceries? San didn't know why it was caused but he was still confident in his looks. 


Sieon shifted on the soft matress as she slowly fell out of sleep. She didn't wish to wake up though. Everything felt too peaceful and stress less, especially since there was someone else with her.

She knew that as she felt warmness of a person besides her who caressed her hair.
She snuggled more into the person and smiled at the scent.

"Mama," she chimed happily. "You're here."

She immediately sat up, not feeling sleepy anymore and smiled at her mother who looked at her with adoration in her eyes.

"Yes sweetie, I'm here." The woman smiled at her. The same smile Sieon had been eager to look at.

"How's Dad?"

The woman smiled brightly, "He's really happy... You're growing up pretty fast." She cupped Sieon's face and smiled sadly.

"You always say that." Sieon felt tears brimming her eyes and she sniffed.

"Oh my! Why is my sweetie sad?" Her mother wiped her tear, "Tell Mama everything that you want to talk about."

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now