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"Hey, Sieon right?"

"Yeosang..?" Sieon asked the older male and placed the bucket on the ground. What an unexpected visit! "What are you doing here?"

Yeosang didn't answer her, instead asked her a question, "You didn't go to work today?"

"I didn't," she shook her head because she was anywhere but her shop and Yeosang could obviously see it. She didn't go to work that day as she wasn't really feeling well and had decide to pay a bit more attention to her cabin. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Oh no, actually I went to the shop for some work because San recommended me, and the other girl there, I guess Chaeyoung, told me that she was kind of worried about you, not a lot but yeah. You didn't come today. I was heading here, so I offered to check up."

"Oh..." she grasped the information as she felt perturbed because she had told Yeri in the morning to let Chaeyoung know she wasn't going to come –as Yeri was heading the same way towards the shop

"I thought she knew. I asked someone to let her know–"

"I told her not to worry. And she said to give you these if I found you." He brought a basket forward but hesitantly took it back looking at Sieon's wet hands.

She realized why he stopped and quickly marched in the washroom. She came out without a bucket and dried hands as she had done putting the wet clothes on the drying rope.

"Here," He handed her the basket.

"Thank you."

"And Sieon, if you don't mind can you do me a favor?" She nodded her head, telling him to continue. "Can you keep these for now. I mean, I'm going towards the opposite area for a while. I'll get them when I'll be heading back. It won't take long."

Sieon grabbed the other paper bag from Yeosang and saw it was filled with a few house supplies. She nodded, "Sure thing. I don't mind."

He thanked her and left.

According to her, Yeosang was a nice boy He was kind and angelic, different from San.

Sieon didn't go anywhere that day. She stayed inside, cleaning and organizing everything pending and she even got to stitch something for herself.

The night came soon and there was still no sign of Yeosang. Sieon glanced back the paper bag placed on the small table and a lot of thoughts came to her;

What if he forgot to that he had asked me to keep it for him?
What if he's still working?
Are these things even important?

And even if the things were important, Sieon wouldn't go to return it herself especially when Yeosang said that he'll get it. Was it because she never expected anything like this to happen?

She sighed turning back in her chair and sipped her tea. Why was she even paying attention to it? It was a small bag placed on her table and was barely noticeable.

She was cut short in her train of thoughts when she heard a knock.
It must be Yeosang.

She was met with a more familiar face instead; San.

"Hello," He greeted.

"Hi," A few seconds passed like that and Sieon moved back with her door wide open to let San in, "Come in."

He was about to enter her home but stoped as he placed a foot in, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

He stood near the same place he sat when he came to her house with the bucket. But this time, the atmosphere seemed pretty chill.

"I assume, you're here for this." She handed him the bag, talking a seat opposite to him. "Would you like something?"

San shook his head, "No. Thank you, though. I only came to take this."

"By the way, thank you, San." He looked at her confusedly. "You suggested Yeosang Chae's shop for whatever work he had. Thanks."

"Oh no, it's fine. Remember when I told you before that I'll keep in mind about it. So, I did."

A small giggle escaped from Sieon as she nodded and then it was just silent. It wasn't awkward but not comfortable either. Does he want something else?  she thought.

"Mind if I ask you something?" Sieon's eyes met San's and she nodded. "Why were you crying?"

She was taken back by his question but suddenly remembered whet had happened two days ago. She had seen him out in the bell night.
That's it Sieon! Ask him why he was out. Tell him that you've seen him thrice–

Her thoughts were cut short once again when he continued his question, "Remember? When you suddenly told me to leave last time I came. I was here for a while due to complete shock and so, I heard you cry..."

She nodded her head, deciding against her curiosity and looked down on her lap. That was embarrassing.

"I- remember the night when you stayed here?" None of them had mentioned it to anyone or to themselves afterwards.

San nodded. "That day, before we heard the sound, I was t-talking about something. Do you r-remember that?"

Then San's expression changed. It was as if he was contemplating something.

"You said you were glad that the villagers defended you rather than blaming that you were...seducing me..?" He said the second last word slowly and dragged it. His answer sounded like a question.

"Yes. As you can already see, that I'm alone. This is how I live and have been living. So, it is kind of easy for the villagers to say that I-I'm trying to s-seduce you. Or anyone in your place, generally." Her grip tightened on her interwhined hands and she felt heat rising up her cheeks, feeling angry and disappointed.

"No, my- why would they even say that?" He sounded shocked and hoped she'd look at him.

"Well...what can I say? I can't tell anyone to shut up. I have no one to do it for me e-either. It's just how it had been since..." she trailed off and finally looked at him. His eyes were filled with what seemed like concern, sympathy, something she didn't want.

"Not to be personal, but what happened to your parents?" This question caught Sieon off guard even though it was expected. Her breath was caught in her throat and she tried to stay put.

Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes as she spoke, "They're dead–"

Their heads turned towards the door once they heard the familiar bell nosie.

San looked at her and stood up, "I'll leave, now."

He stood there for a few seconds, hoping that she'll tell him to stay but she didn't. He made his way towards her door and turned around once to look at her. She wasn't looking at him.

"Take care." And he left.

She quickly stood too and went to blow out all the candles and once it was all dark, she broke down.

Sieon felt the darkness around her, consuming her and swallowing her, making it hard for her to breath as she tried chocking back her sobs.

Her tries were failed, though. Now that everyone had entered their houses and there was no sound made –except for the sound of the bell far away, she could hear her soft sobs, echoing in her cabin.

Little did she know, there was someone still standing outside her door. Someone who had noticed her tears. Someone who could hear her clearly...
Someone, who was curious about her.

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