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"What is it, San?" Sieon asked him sternly because he hadn't been doing what they had agreed to. "Is it something really important?"

"No, its just–"

"Then stop." Her answer was straight forward as she continued her way to her house, back from the shop.

"Wait..." San whined and Sieon rolled her eyes at his childishness. "Listen to me once."

Sieon shook her head and started to walk again and sighed satisfactorily once her house was in sight, "I don't think–"

She was cut off when a familiar bell sound was heard. Sieon groaned and with fast steps, approached her house.

"Will you leave me outside?" San blocked her door with his foot and looked at her with hopeful eyes.

She pulled him inside –thankfully there wasn't any candle to blow out, locking the door and looked at him angrily. "Why can you not leave me alone? I don't know what your intentions are but the villagers will definitely misjudge mine, if you don't stop this." She breathed, "Get out."


"I said, get out!" She whisper yelled at him and he stared at her confused. "Don't act so shocked, you've done this before too."

San lightly stomped his foot before turning to leave, "I'll never forgive you if I end up like Dohyun."

Sieon gasped at that, "How dare you? You think it's a joke?!"

But it was too late. San was already out of her cabin –closing the door too loudly.

Is he really angry with me or was he being childish again?

But in all honesty Sieon didn't care. That is what he had told her twice and she will not let her guard down by getting friendly with him again, only to hear him say that they shouldn't meet up more.

For the past whole week, San tried approaching Sieon but all she did was ignore him; in the shop, near her house and even when the coincidentally met at the market.

What bothered her now was San's safety for the night. What he said before leaving bugged her mind more than it should and the sleepless night, became longer.

She didn't hear any bell sound again so he was fine, right? But what if he got hurt?

It was until the next day, Sieon purposely went to deliver a few clothes on the East side, hoping she'd see San and she sighed contentedly when she did.

Sieon was good at keeping her face straight and cold when she glanced at him, never in her entire existence would she want him to know she cared –that wouldn't have been good, right.
"See, I told you." Yeosang mockingly chuckled while looking at San and shook his head, "How confident you were when you declared, “Sieon is someone who would apologize to me”."

"Come on, stop it." San threw his leftover drops of juice in the bottle at his friend only to receive back a smack. San decided to just stare at the tree in front of him, "I'm not even sure why I said that. She's unpredictable."

A few minutes passed and for some reason, San was really intrigued by the tree his eyes had landed on. It was only until Yeosang came back but not alone.

"Ah... Jongho!" San excitedly hugged his friend.

It wasn't hard for Yeosang and San to make friend close to their age, in the village. Jongho was one of their first few friends even though he was an year younger. He was a frequent visitor to the city, spending at least two days there because his dad practically lived there. And the trio had reunited after more than a week.

Jongho didn't particularly had a job but he always helped his father in the city when he visited and had a land to take care of, in the village. He was one of the, what everyone claimed as; wealthy villager.

When it came to the topic of Yeosang's and San's job, all they had to say is that they aren't eager to do one currently and will look for one soon.

It was a hot topic too, as it was hard for some people to survive, yet they acted like they were on a vacation even though they were in the villager for almost three months now.



"Thanks for the dress, Sieon!"

"My pleasure, Mrs. Kang. Tell Taehyun I said, Hello."

"Sure." She clasped her hands together, "You should come for dinner someday."

"Sure, aunty. Someday."

It was still an hour in sunset and Sieon was done with her deliveries. As she passed by the market while heading towards her house, she realized something; The spring festival is soon.

It was end of March and the festival took place in April. There wasn't a lot of time left.

When will the decorations start–?

"Don't day dream while walking."

Sieon rolled her eyes at the familiar voice. She was now on a less populated street because she had passed the market already.

"Seems like someone doesn't understand the meaning of ‘leave me alone’." She answered rather sweetly but her voice was still taunting.

San chuckle, "You should be respectful to your elders, Sieon." He mirrored Sieon's expression with sarcasm coating his words too.

She turned to look at him, offended. "Shush already."

"Don't you think you're being too rude to me?" He pouted purposely.

"If I'm such a rude, misbehaved and a bad person, then why are you bothering me so much?"

"Look, I just had some work for you-"

"First of all San- I mean, Mr. Choi, I'm not the only tailor in the village and if you want to get something done then why don't you visit Chaeyoung? I'm sure she'll be honored to serve you again." She indirectly growled at him.

Without even waiting for him to answer, she turned her back at him to leave. San outstretched a hand hoping to stop her but stopped himself, and instead, awkwardly brought his hand back, closing his mouth because he couldn't say anything. He ruffled his hair and sighed, Sieon's back disappearing from his sight.

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now