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Chaeyoung went to visit her mother.
She had a heartfelt conversation with her. And she also got to know more about her fiance and even agreed to meet him once on her mother's request.

Her mother also agreed to not set a wedding date untill Chaeyoung is ready and even after meeting the man, Joowan, if she doesn't aprove of him, her mother will not force her and will end the engagement.

"...he's such a gentleman."

Sieon nodded and ended up laughing, "Can't believe you're saying this about a man you were so depressed to get married to."

"Oh, shut up. How many times are you going to bring it up?" Chaeyoung laughed with her.

"I don't know– ouch!"

"What happene–"

Sieon laughed again, making Chaeyoung confused.

"I accidentally, poked my, finger, with the needle," Sieon tried to speak as she laughed and showed her finger, a small red dot of blood over it.

Chaeyoung sighed, "You scared me."

"Do you need a–"

Chaeyoung was again interrupted when someone entered the shop.


"Changbin. What happened?"

"Sieon you–" he panted, "Seonghwa is here."

Before Chaeyoung could even process what Changbin said, Sieon was already out of the shop, running towards the place, her steps walk over to every night.

She saw the tall boy standing near her house, smiling and talking to a few people. His smile widened when his eyes met hers and she immediately hugged him.

He embraced Sieon and pulled back only to laugh, "Why are you crying?"

Sieon didn't realize she was, until he wiped her tears and hugged her again.

"I hate you, Seonghwa."

He gasped, "Why?"

"‘Why’?" she hit him slightly, "Because you never missed me."

"I did," he smiled again and held her hands, "Now are you going to fight me while I stand here?"

She shook her head and went inside her house with him.

Once seated, she stared at him without saying a word.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It looks like you have become more handsome than the last time I saw you," she complimented.

He chuckled, "It's because the last time you saw me was 2 years ago."

Sieon scoffed and stood up, "Don't think I've forgiven you for not writing me back, I only got to know about you through Ma."

"Hey, wait," he followed her to the kitchen, " I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have given you this surprise."

Sieon looked at him with teary eyes once again, "I thought you were also upset with me because I declined coming to the city."

He shook his head, "Why would I be upset. It's okay if you don't want to come. As long as you work, eat well, and sleep well, I don't mind even if you're here."

Sieon hummed, "Wait for me, I'll quickly cook something good for us."

It was going to be time for dinner in an hour.
Seonghwa pulled her out of the kitchen, "Let's go out, my treat."

That dinner was the best one Sieon had in a long time. She talked to Seonghwa about his newly discovered hobbies and his well-paying job, and also told him about herself.

"So does that mean that you'll also get married soon?" Sieon asked.

"What? No." Seonghwa stopped in his tracks when they were going back to her house, "That won't happen anytime soon. But what do you mean by ‘also’?"

"I forgot to mention, Chaeyoung will get married soon."

"What, Chaeyoung-ie?" Seonghwa's eyes widened, "Now I definitely need to meet her tomorrow."

Sieon chuckled and continued walking, "She was so depressed about it a few days ago, thankfully, she's agreeing to it now."

Once they were close enough, Seonghwa stopped, "Alright Sieon, sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow."

"What? Where are you going?"

"I'm going… to my house obviously."

"Wait, you should've told me before so I could have cleaned the place. It must be so dirty," she reasoned.

"I don't want to disturb you–"

"It's okay, you can sleep in my house," she glanced around, "…I'll sleep with Chaeyoung. Yes. Besides, I know you can't sleep anywhere that's not clean."


After they returned, Sieon gave him a warmer blanket and brewed some tea for him.

"You don't need to this, Sieon, I'm not a guest."

"I know, but I want to do this," she handed him a cup.
"So, how long are you here for?"

"Four days,"

"What? Only four days." She whined, "No way!"

He smiled at her behavior, "I can not take an off for more than a week. And it takes a day to come and a day to go back."

Sieon sighed and nodded, "I'm sure you didn't just come because you missed me," she side eyed him, "What is it?"

"I was coming here because I wanted to see you," he placed his cup down, "But Dad also wanted me to have a good look of our fields. We may have to sell one."


"Because ma wants us to change our house. And to move to a better place of our own, we need more money than we have at the moment."

She nodded, understanding the situation because her aunt had previously told Sieon her wish of wanting to move to a bigger and better house.
"I wish you were here for longer."

"Me too," he handed her the empty cup, "But don't worry, I'll visit you again very soon."

She spent the night at Chaeyoung's. Her heart at peace after Seonghwa had came to the village.

The very next morning she went home early and made him a heavy breakfast, showing off her self-taught cooking skills even though Seonghwa was a better cook than her.
"Chaeyoung told me I don't have to go to work today," Sieon told him.

"But what are you going to do?" He steeped out of the house with her, "I mean, I'm going to the fields. I'll be back in the evening."

Sieon pursed her lips, "Then I'll just, go to work."

Seonghwa patted her head, "Don't worry. I'll drop you off and I'll pick you up when I return okay?"

He went to the shop with her and met Chaeyoung as well, congratulating her on her marriage.

"Sieon told you about it?" She asked, "But she didn't tell you that nothing is confirmed yet. It's not happening anytime soon."

Sieon rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say. But I'm sure it'll happen sometime soon."
Seonghwa and Sieon laughed at Chaeyoung's annoyed expression.

"I'm not talking to you," she told Sieon and turned to Seonghwa, "Thank you for the bread."

Seonghwa left shortly afterwards and Sieon told Chaeyoung that she wanted to gift him a scarf before he left for the city again. And so, she started to work on it as Chaeyoung helped her with her orders.


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