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Just a day before, Sieon was feeling elated because she didn't have any interaction with San, but the present day, God was probably not on her side.

Early in the morning, Sieon had decided to head to the mountain lake for a bath -where every other women goes to have a bath in summers instead of their homes.

There she was all alone and everything was peaceful until, when she was heading back with a bucket full of water, hoping she would wash her clothes in, a person had ran into her making all the water splash on not just him but on Sieon too. Her dried and fresh clothes suddenly all damped in water, and that made Sieon wanting to cry and attack the person who did that because it was none other than, the new villager, Choi San.

"It's you! Again..." Sieon exclaimed enraged and wiped her face which had been splashed with water a few seconds ago. She quickly stood up from the ground and looked behind her only to see patches of dirt on her frock.

"Moron," Sieon was furious because it had happened not once but twice. She glared at him.

"I'm so sorry." San finally spoke after he jumped our of the shocking faze and looked at Sieon with dilated eyes.

"Sorry.. that's all you can say. But what about the water I was carrying with me? Do you expect me to walk all the way, a mile back to the lake just to get it again?"

"No, Sieon. That's not it. I'm actually sorry. Give me the bucket, I'll fetch some water for yo-"

Sieon cut him off, raising her hand. "Oh, please. You don't need to any favor for me- actually, do me a favour and try not to ever come in my way again because whenever you do, I always end up embarrassing myself."

She took her empty bucket back to her home, in between letting Chaeyoung know that she'll be late to work. Sieon felt socially awkward, her heart beating fast knowing that even though less, but all the people walking by passed looks at her.

Once she finally reached her mini land, she felt at ease. She angrily threw the bucket in her small washroom and then went into her house. She changed and had breakfast -which she thought she'd have with Chaeyoung as she had intended to stop by at the shop.

Sieon felt tired, exhausted and didn't wish to go to the shop anytime soon.
Chae wouldn't mind, I can sew at home as well.

The voice of old wood creaking, shifting in a back and fro motion, spoke to Sieon's heart as she swung in the rocking chair which once belonged to her mother. Oh, how badly she missed her! She missed her day and night, every minute and every second but what else she could do...
The chair brought back so many memories.

Sieon laughed, remembering when she would sulk just because she wouldn't be able to sit on her sleeping mother's lap on the chair, and even if she would sit, she would constantly slip and whine afterwards.
How badly Sieon wished her parents would've never left so early, or didn't at all. She was so young, she barely had any memories.

Her thoughts of chain was broken when she heard a knock on her door. She rolled her eyes, standing up and moving towards the door.

"You? San, what are you doing here and who-"

"You know what, you speak too much, and always in a cold tone with me." The brunette guy on her door complained, cutting her off mid-sentence. "I'm just being nice. So, I brought more water for you."

He was about to hand Sieon the water filled bucket but stopped in between, "It's heavy. Tell me where to place it, I'll keep it there."

Speechless Sieon just stared at him and slowly guided him towards a small room besides her cabin, letting him place the bucket there. He didn't seem to be having any difficulty holding the bucket and placed it effortlessly in the washroom, whereas all of Sieon's actions reflected nervousness.

"I-Thank you." Sieon stuttered, eyeing him as San tried to calm his breath and placed a hand on his back.

"Can I have a glass of water, please."

"Of course, come." She guided him inside, letting him have a seat and served him water.

Something suddenly clicked, and realization hit Sieon, which made her wanting San leave as soon as possible.

"I'm sure you don't even know what I had to go through-"

"Are you done?" Sieon felt bad for doing this to San and not even let him sit properly but if she did then the outcome wouldn't be nice either.

He was done drinking and was about to tell her something but Sieon's weird question made him feel awkward.

"I appreciate your efforts and am really thankful about it, San, but I think it'll be appropriate for you to leave as soon as possible."

She immediately stood and so did San.
"Is, everything alright, Sieon?"

"It's the best for both of us." Sieon felt ashamed of herself, telling a guest to leave but she had to. Once San left, Sieon revived all the past events which had taken place before and, one by one, the tears that had started to drop from her eyes, transformed into a pool and Sieon tried her best to choke back the sobs but she couldn't. Just like every time, she tried. But this time, she couldn't.

Why am I so helpless?
What did I ever do to deserve this?

Sieon thought to herself before aggressively wiping her tears and dusted her dress, "Collect yourself, Sieon. You are daughter of parents who were strong, not just physically but mentally as well. Don't let other's words defect you and don't be sad. Don't. be. sad."

Sieon reminded herself, remembering her aunt's words and she decided that it would be best to just go back to the shop, because sitting here idle won't do her any good but instead make her sadder.
And outside her cabin, stood San, confused at Sieon's behavior. He was concerned because that was unusual. It was as if she had seen a ghost who had told her to not let San inside her house.
What if she still hasn't forgiven me for what had happened before?
What if, that is what she suddenly remembered and told me to leave?

And for some reason, his assumptions made things clearer to him,
But I did apologize...

And for some reason, his assumptions made things clearer to him,But I did apologize

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