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"Did you cry?" Chaeyoung asked at first, as Sieon entered the shop.

"I- no."

"Oh, come on, Sieon. You know, I know you so well, I can guarantee you've cried." The light red tint on Sieon's nose was obvious enough for anyone to think that she was either suffering from cold or had cried. And after her morning visit at the shop, Chaeyoung knew her friend had cried.

"If you already know then why are you even asking?" She quickly sat on her chair.

"My God, Sieon! Tell me what happened?" Chaeyoung turned to the younger one and sat in front of her. "Is it because of what happened this morning?"

Sieon shook her head, "It's much more to it."


"San- he–"

"Did he do something to you?!"

"Oh, Chae. No." Sieon glanced around ger for a moment before continuing softly, "He came to my house afterwards and brought some water too. I invited him inside to give him some water but then...I suddenly remembered everything which had happened before and I abruptly told him to leave. I feel really bad and just, everything from the past keeps bothering me..."

"Oh my, Sieon." Chaeyoung hugged her friend and patted her head. "Don't feel bad. You did the right thing. It's fine."

"But Chaeyoung, why? Why at the first place do I even have to face this?"

Chaeyoung stayed still and sighed sadly, unable to answer, remembering the past, she just sighed and hugging her tighter.



Sieon was actually more upset with what had happened afterwards with her.
Something, she didn't tell Chaeyoung. That when she was leaving for work, she had a guest.

Not San,
Or Yeosang...

"Sieon, you know after all that had happened with you before, you should be more careful."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw San coming to your house today. He was here for a while."

Sieon exhaled loudly, "Really, now? Would you make a story out of it? He was barely here for a few minutes–"

"I don't plan on making any story. I'm just saying that I saw him bring water for you and if I did, I'm sure someone else may have seen too." She still talked softly but had a hint of strictness in her voice. "Just, be careful. I'll forget about it, but not everyone does."
And she left Suyun, tangled in the thoughts of what will happen? When San came she thought no one had seen and hoped that no one would've either. She told him to leave.

But what if like Yeji, someone saw?

What if she had to face it again..?


"Why are you sulking so much? Ever since you came you've been like this. Care to explain?" Yeosang asked his friend, nudging him in the back as he held a carrot in his hand he had freshly gotten.

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