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"Why are all the candles blown out? Can't we just have one of them burning?" The young girl had poked her older brother's stomach, who was about to fall asleep, only to ask that.

"You know we cannot do that, sweetie. It's not allowed." The boy answered in a low voice

He rubber his eyes and sat up, fully awake.

"But I'm scared. It's all black-black here."

"Don't be scared, Sieon. I'm here, mom is also here. Come on, try to sleep." Her boy tried to assure her and in hopes of making her sleep, he gently started to run his fingers through her hair.

"I know everyone is here but I really don't feel sleepy."

"What happened, Sieon-ah?" The lady sleeping besides the children was now also awake even though her son tried to be as quite as possible.

"Mom, Sieon can't sleep, again." He replied as the young girl crawled up and sat on her brother's lap.

"What can I do? I've tried everything I can, I even gave her medicines." She told her son, their eyes now getting used to the darkness and she looked at him.

"Sieon sweetie, do you want some milk? It may help you fell sleepy."
The boy felt Sieon nodding her head as her hair tickled his chest.

"Yes Mom, she'll have milk... and I'll have some too, if you don't mind." The boy said unsure if he will get milk or not.

"Yeah, I'll bring some, wait."

"Thank you Mom, be careful."
The 7 year old hugged the 11 year old boy and thanked him.
"It's fine, Sieon. It happens once a while so try to get used to it." She just nodded her head, still not feeling, even a bit sleepy.


Sieon was in her bed, it was one of the Bell Nights, again, even though it had last taken place 4 days ago. 

She tried to sleep in the darkness even though she knew she wouldn't be able to, and she woke up within a few minutes, sweating heavily.

Everytime, the reason would be a nightmare. A nightmare, she couldn't remember after walking up.

Whenever Sieon couldn't fall asleep, she would drink some milk e–ven though she knew that it didn't help her even a bit. So that's what she did. Her small cabin was full of darkness and the only light there was from the moon, and even though her heart was beating fast due to the darkness she managed to get a cup of milk for herself and drank it with shaky hands.

Sieon felt uneasy as usual so she decide to do something which she knew she shouldn't and Chaeyoung had also warned her about it. She headed out.

She knew how wrong it was, so she just came out of her cabin and stayed in her piece of land. Her small price of land.

That is how parts of the village were divided. People didn't own cabins, washrooms or shops there, they owned the pieces of lands where they can built or do anything they wanted to.

The piece of land Sieon owned was of her parents and the land her uncle owned was now transformed into a field of crops. When they decided to leave, they deconstructed their house and gave their land to a farmer to use it as a field for crops and they will get half the amount the farmer earns from their field. And so, Sieon lived in her mother's piece of land which had a small cabin with washroom built next to it like another very small room, outside and all the pieces of lands were divided by wooden fences like hers.

The area where all the shops –market was located, was owned by the small government of the village and in the end of every month people had to pay a small amount of rent. The government was the one who had made rules and laws including the one of not coming out, making noise or producing light during the Bell Night.

Sieon was lost in her thoughts when suddenly she saw a shadowy figure run from left to right, not far from where she was. Her heart told her to walk backwards and stay in her house. But her mind was too clouded by the unknown person, that she came out of her property and started to walk ahead.

She looked here and there and suddenly her eyes stopped on someone standing a few meters away but she was sure the person couldn't look at her as she couldn't get a proper look either. Sieon decide to stand behind a wooden wall near her, inorder to at-least get a glimpse of the man.

She slowly, cautiously and very quietly peeked and what she saw next made her dismayed.

There stood Choi San, all alone. And even though Sieon hadn't seen all of him, she knew it was him by his side profile and mullet hair. She quickly backed away and pressed herself into the wall trying to calm down her beating heart and hoping that she'll be able to get back home without him noticing her as he had stopped and decided to stay still at his place for an unknown reason.

A few minutes –which felt like hours, passed on silence and Sieon couldn't hear anything, anymore. With courage she peeked once again only to find that place, where San was standing, empty.

Sieon slowly, very slowly moved from her position and again with cautious but fast steps made her way towards her home, hoping no one, specifically San would see her.

Once she reached her cabin, she closed the door and sighed, catching her breathe.

I was right. San is not a good guy. I wish I could show this to everyone.

Sieon laid on her bed again and even though she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, she had something to waste her time on.

The next whole day Sieon didn't speak a word about it to anyone knowing no one would believe her and fortunately she didn't get to interact with San either.

The next whole day Sieon didn't speak a word about it to anyone knowing no one would believe her and fortunately she didn't get to interact with San either

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a/n: anyone confused about the how the houses here(in this au –cuz they were actually never like that) actually are..? So, I'm not sure if you know what a hanok is but its walls are made out of something similar to paper, so the light can be reflected through it. In here, if a house has four walls, the three walls will be of wood –like a cabin, but the entrance wall(where the door is situated) is made up of the traditional hanok paper material.
-Also being the reason why Sieon can't light up candles in the bell night.
*Bell nights as the term for the night when the sound of bell comes, indicating everyone.
(Btw hanok is traditional old Korean house you can also Google it)

So uptill now the story was boring but I wanted to make everything clear. The next chapters would be fun to read(I hope so).
Even though I tried my best to explain the systems and houses here⤴⤴ but if you are confused anywhere in the story uptill now, or even in the future, just ask me, I'll be glad to explain you.

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now