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The day of the winter festival came, No wind, no cloud, just a very low temperature.

Most of the houses were empty, but the village was all alive, bustling with festivity, warmth and noise. People of all generations were walking through the streets.

The hustle and bustle of chatter, cheers of celebration, smell of warm stew, spicy soup, caramel desserts wafted the air.

Once again, villagers had gotten a chance –a day, where people can experience the joy that usually exists beyond boundaries of winter.

Sieon was overjoyed as she experienced one of the best festivals of her life, not because there was something different about the current one, but because her mind was at peace and heart content.
Her dolls were also almost gone by the end of the day, within few hours.

She saw San and smiled at him, waving in the process. She had seen him again and again as he often passed by where she was, but he didn't get a chance to properly meet her, hold her hand or embraced her, and tell her how beautiful she was looking.

"I know you're head over heals but don't make it too obvious," Wooyoung placed a hand over his shoulder and turned him to a side, moving away.

"I know, " San nodded, not surprised at all, "But I haven't even talked to her since afternoon, even though we can see each other right in front of us."

"Then go, and don't keep it a secret anymore," Wooyoung teased him.

San side eyed him as they continued to walk ahead, "At least don't say imprecate if you can't confront me."

Wooyoung laughed at his behavior, "You must really be dying to meet her."

"Maybe it's because I wasn't able to meet her due to all the work I had for the festival,"

"Then…" he turned San around once again and pointed somewhere, "Go to that pretty girl over there."

San scowled and squinted to get a closer look at a familiar person. A grim immediately plastered over his face when he saw Sieon going somewhere alone.

He muttered a cheerful ‘yes’ and made his way towards her, making sure not to make it obvious.

"It is indeed good to be young and in love," Wooyoung mumbled to himself as he saw his friends expression who was trying to maintain his eagerness. Wooyoung laughed at him.

"Finally you're here," Yeosang came to Wooyoung, "Where's San? I told you to bring him, wo we can eat together."

"Let him be," Wooyoung looked at him, "No food can give San the energy which he can get only after meeting Sieon."

Yeosang chuckled, "I envy him."

San tapped Sieon's right shoulder only to stand on her left and startle her,
She laughed, "Finally, you remembered who I am."

"How can I ever forget you?" He walked casually besides her in the alley, "I was just trying to be careful."

"I know," she stopped and turned towards him, "But then, why are you following me right now?"

San looked around the empty alley to make sure no one saw them. He held both her hands, "I want one, a doll… You've worked so hard on them, I think I deserve one too."

"What?" Sieon chuckled at his behavior and pulled away from his grip.

"Come to the shop then– actually, come to Chaeyoung's house," she ran away, right before a group of people passed by the alleyway.
One of them who spotted San and called him to join them.

However San was quick to make an excuse and made his way towards the shop with quick steps.

He was greeted by Sieon again when she let him inside her friend's residence.

"It's my first time coming from here," San looked around as he followed Sieon inside the shop.

She hummed picked up a basket full of dolls, "I was coming here to pick these up anyways. Here,"
She handed him one and placed the rest in her table.

San stared at it lovingly and smiled at Sieon before pulling her closer to him and kissing her sweetly on the lips.
"I missed you so much… You were right in front of me but I couldn't even compliment ok how pretty you are looking today."

Sieon felt her heart racing and she hid her face as she snuggled into his embrace, "What do you mean today?"

San laughed at her behavior and cupped her cheeks, "You look beautiful every day, but you are smiling a lot more today, that makes you prettier."

"San," she called him out softly and he hummed in response, adoring her.
"I'm happy... I feel really happy."

"And just hearing you say that makes me happier,"

They closed the distance between them once again and cherished the moment with another kiss filled emotions, his grip tightening on her waist.

Sieon heard the main door open again and immediately pulled back in time.

"Sieon, have you seen–"

The owner of the place stopped midway when her eyes landed on the couple.

"Chae," Sieon moved further back, "A-are you looking for something?"

Chaeyoung was not naive to not know what was happening. Even if Sieon and San parted before Chaeyoung saw them, she knew the atmosphere was different. Something was going on.

"San, Sieon," she stepped inside the shop, "What is this?"

Sieon knew there was no going back now and looked at San, "You should leave."

Even if San wanted to clear things out and support Sieon, he knew how close the pair or friends was and decided to quietly leave from where he came in.

After the door closed, Sieon took a step towards Chaeyoung, "Chae, this –"

"Sieon, I..." Chaeyoung sighed, "I'm here to take my things," she moved to pick up a small box from beneath her table, "We'll talk about this later."

Left speechless, Sieon stood in her place like a statue, her heard dropping into her stomach and a wave of anxiousness hitting her.

Chaeyoung stopped in her tracks and looked behind at Sieon, "We will. And I hope you will stay for the night... I'm waiting outside."

She left and Sieon collected her breath. She felt embarrassed as she stared at her feet for a few seconds, took her things and went to Chaeyoung.

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