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The candle flames flickered slightly as a soft breeze blew through the gap in the wooden window. The two girls sat in the brightly lit room, surrounded by countless candles, something that they had expertly arranged. Silence clouded the atmosphere as both the girls were busy embroidering small flowers on the silk dresses they held.

Night had fallen long ago, yet the two proceeded to continue to work. It was only half an hour later that they heard loud thuds of footsteps outside the workshop, as if a crowd was running.

With a frown, the short haired female stood up and placed her dress aside, walking to the door. As she reached out to open it, the door suddenly opened inwards and she gasped as she stepped back to save her foot from bumping along the wood.

"You two are still in here?" A young male asked as he poked his head in.

"Yes, we are, Jeno. What do you want?" The girl asked, clearly agitated, "What's all the chaos for?"

"It's why I came to ask you two, Chaeyoung, haven't you heard anything? The new villagers just came and they are from the mountains!" He exclaimed and heard someone call out to him, glancing back, he turned back to the girl, "Come out." He said before running off.

Chaeyoung huffed softly and opened the door wider before looking at the other girl with long locks, "Come on, Sieon, shall we go see?"

Sieon looked up at her and gave her a look that clearly said she wasn't interested but she got up nonetheless and reached out to the other, who grasped her hand and pulled her out. The only reason Sieon's feet took her towards the entrance of the village was curiosity.

'Curiosity killed the cat' was what Sieon's mother always told her. Growing up, she was something special, suspecting everything reachable and questioning all the possible existence. Unfortunately for Sieon, her mother was no longer alive to warn her about the troubles of the world. The things she would have to go through in life, the issues she would have to face while growing up without parents.

"Chaeyoung, be careful!" Sieon exclaimed as the short haired girl dragged her along the muddy roads, her hands fumbling to keep her dress up.

"Oh, stop worrying, we must see them! What if they're handsome?" Chaeyoung chided and Sieon rolled her eyes. Now Chaeyoung was too enthusiastic and practically pushing through a crowd of males just to see the new comers. Suyun on the other hand was struggling to stay upright as her dress was crushed underneath shoes.

Soon enough when she bumped into a tall male, she groaned and yanked herself out of Chaeyoung's grip which kept her stable, the loss of balance was something she'll forever regret and alas! in attempt to hold her stumbling feet, she failed and fell on her knees with a small scream.

Whispers surrounded her, but they were sounding like mocks instead of comfort. She sighed heavily.

"Are you alright?" an unfamiliar voice asked as she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder and finally, looked up.

She realized that the person who asked her the question was a new face, the new villager. And the person who had placed a hand on her shoulder in order to help her was her friend, Chaeyoung.

"I-I'm alright." She stuttered and stood up quickly trying not to feel anymore awkward than she already was. She moved rightwards at the corner of the crowd and glared at Chaeyoung while rubbing her knees as bit.

"Sorry. Are you really fine?" Her friend asked with a sheepish smile.

"I am." Sieon stood up straight as she felt her fast beating heart, then getting back to normal.

By then the villagers were already talking among each other but the two new comers who suspiciously seemed relaxed as if it's not their first time here.

"What are your names?" An elderly woman asked both the boys in a loud and clear voice and all the attention was diverted to them. Every one impatiently waiting for them to reply

The one who helped her was the first one to speak, "Hello, I'm Kang Yeosang." He is shy. The first thing Sieon thought as she observed his expressions and actions. She was sure she wouldn't have been able to hear him if she wasn't standing in the front -even though at the corner amongst the crowd.

The other guy had a side smile painted on his face. Within two seconds, he glanced at everyone, every single person in the front row including her, and grinned, his dimples popping out in the process and he bowed respectfully as well, "Hello, I'm Choi San, nice to meet you all."

  Hello guys! I never expected this one to be my first story but here it is

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Hello guys!
I never expected this one to be
my first story but here it is.
I hope you liked it.
Stay safe!

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now