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San kissed Sieon.

The kiss was short lived though, as he pulled back almost immediately after realizing what he did.

Sieon, who wanted more of it, moved closer and kissed San again, with him eagerly replying to it. Her hands now on his shoulders and his on her waist.
They broke it only when both of them were out of breath.

Sieon moved back when she realized what happened and with a glance at San, she turned away, her back now facing him.

"Sieon," he faintly called out to her and placed a hand over her shoulder, "Don't regret it."

"I don't," she looked back at him, "I'm overwhelmed."

He slowly moved forward and embraced her from behind, and didn't say a word till he felt her ease in his grip, "Do you mean it? What you told me?"

She nodded, "I do."

San smiled and closed his eyes, receiving a feeling of fulfilment. He placed his head comfortably over her shoulder.
San could feel the attachment both he and Sieon had.

Two lonely souls who's hearts
were full of each other.

San decided to spend the night at Sieon's house and made her fell asleep. But sometime later he heard her panting and woke up to find Sieon covered in sweat and breathing quicker than usual.
He woke her up, "Sieon, are you alright."

"I am, I–" she wiped her face and looked around, her eyes stopping at San's face. She smiled at him, "It was probably a nightmare."

"Are you sure," he asked again, still concerned for her.

She nodded reassuring now being able to see him more clearly as sun gradually rose, "I think you should leave now, the run is about to rise."

He looked up and nodded when he realized, "I'll get going."
He put a strand of her hair behind her ear, making Sieon blush and she immediately stood up.

San chuckled at her reaction and pecked her cheek before finally exiting her house with a joyful grin on his face.
His eyes had practicality disappeared as he couldn't stop smiling.

"Where were you last night?" Wooyoung asked him.

He looked at both of his friends, "I'm seeing Sieon."

"What?!" They said in unison and looked at each other.

"Just yesterday you were all sure that you don't even want to see her," Yeosang laughed in disbelief.

"Can't believe this is our San," Wooyoung shook his head, "He got no patience left in him."

San threw a cushion at him, "It's because of you, idiot. If you hadn't suggested that I stay away from Sieon, I wouldn't have been so eager."

Wooyoung retorted, "But it worked! If you're seeing her, that means she likes you back."

"Right. What really happened? Did she tell you she likes you too?" Yeosang questioned.

"I met her last night, and she told me sincerely how she feels. I was with her last night," San told them, a smile reappearing on his face as he remembered the incident.

"So did you both–?"

"Shut up," San glared at Wooyoung, "I was with her last night. That doesn't mean we did something."

Yeosang laughed, "What can we even expect from Wooyoung?"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes and nodded, "Alright, don't expect anything from me… but remember, we can't let him know about it."

Yeosang agreed, "We'll have to be more careful from now on."

"Let's just work the same way we did before this. Don't need to be worried guys," San reassured them.

"Easier said than done," Wooyoung quoted, "You know if he gets a hint of it, it'll be a problem for not just us, but Sieon too."

Yeosang placed a hand over San's shoulder, "Just make it seem like you are with her to investigate."

"Did you find something yet?"

"Not yet, Wooyoung," San sighed, "I still feel like we are suspecting her wrongfully."

"You were the one who gave away her name, now take responsibility. Take care of her."

San stared at the wall opposite to him and nodded, "I will. I'll take responsibility."

"Sieon seems very happy nowadays,"
Chaeyoung told to none other than Sieon herself. It had been a few days to that night now but Sieon didn't tell her friend about it.

She laughed and took a breath of relief as she packed her last order for the day, "I feel at ease nowadays."

"That's good to hear," Chaeyoung smiled at her friend and stopped her sewing machine, also done for the day.
"I think we should now start preparing for the winter festival soon, what do you say?"

"Winter festival…" Sieon slowly nodded, "Sure."

The spring festival was in April and now it was January, meaning, that after the first snow of the season, winter festival would take place.

"Do you know about winter festival?"

"Winter festival?" San asked, mouth filled with food.

Sieon giggled at his behavior, "Don't speak with your mouthful."

"This is just so tasty," he asked her again, "Is there a winter festival too?"

"Yes," Sieon picked up her and San's finished bowls and took them to the kitchen, "Winter festival takes place after the first snow of the season."

"Will it be similar to the Spring festival?"

"Kind of," Sieon told him more about it, when suddenly the pair heard a familiar sound, The Bell.

San smiled and blew out the candle near him, "I guess I'll have to stay now."

Sieon imitated his expression.
She had never felt this way before...
She had liked someone but what she felt for San, was more than just liking. She was indeed fond of him and had such a comfortable and intimate connection, that she did not mind if he stayed with her, or slept on the same mattress.
Because she was aware of what was in their hearts, regardless of what it may seem to others.

She smiled as he ran a hand through her hair,
"I like you hair," he told her.

"And I like you,"

San was flustered,
"I didn't think I would ever get to see this side of you."

"You don't like it?"

"I love it," he moved closer, "Can I move in your bed?"

San had been availing any given opportunity to meet Sieon ever since she confessed. He was good at sneaking around and would use this for his benefits too, for he tried to be there for her especially on the Bell Nights. Like how it was today,


San moved closer and gently put an arm over her waist.
Sieon looked up to meet his eyes and heat rose up to cheeks when she realized how close their faces were.

San pressed his lips over hers and moved back within seconds.
And just like before, Sieon kissed him again.

It was their second kiss, but it felt like they have been together forever.

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now