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"What? You like her?"

"Stop it Yeosang. I told you it wasn't intentional. And I don't mean it!"

"But why ‘I like you’ out of anything..?" Yeosang questioned as he didn't understand why his friend needed to tangle himself further into something.

San sighed, "Then what else would've been more convincing? I follow Sieon because I like her, that's it!"

"What was her reaction though?"

San glanced at him and ran a hand through his hair, "Obviously she was taken aback... She didn't say much and left."

Yeonsang nodded, "Okay. But are you sure we can tell this to–"

"No. Don't tell this to anyone. Not him. And I'm sure Sieon won't tell anyone either, even if she does, it'll be Chaeyoung only."

Yeosang hummed, "Right, then shall we?"

The boys left silently late night.
The confession still clouded in San's mind.

But San wasn't the only one wondering. Sieon was also continuously thinking about it; another excuse to not go to sleep...

"Because, I like you." He confessed.

Sieon looked at him surprised, "What..?"

San looked away and nodded, "I like you."

"But why?"

"What do you mean why? I just, really like you... Because you're different," he stepped closer as their eyes met. And San could clearly see the shock on her face. "I don't know, Sieon. I can't help but really care for you."

Sieon didn't say anything and left, her pace quicker than usual.

Sieon shook her head hoping that the scene would stop repeating itself in her mind.

As sun rays started to light her home, she stood up with determination to not let San's sudden confession change her demonour towards him because she still suspected him regardless of what he said. Rather, his words were making her more curious of what he was up to.

"Sieon... Sieon!" She looked up at Chaeyoung and shook her head.
"What are you so lost in?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Nothing," She didn't want to feel bothered by his confession, but her mind was going back to previous night, "I'm feeling a little tired."

"Do you want to go home?"

"No," she stood up and picked a basket, "I have a few deliveries to make, I'll be back soon."

Chaeyoung nodded, "Sure, I'll prepare some tea in the meantime."

"Thanks, Chae."

Sieon had been wondering alot about herself recently. She wonderd if she would be alone all her life like this. There was no doubt that she missed her family in the city. But then again, what did she prefer more? City life, or living alone in comfort?

"Comfort..." Sieon muttered to herself but it came out more like a question, lacking determination.

She turned to the main street and her eyes met the person she wanted to avoid the most.

San slightly waved his hand as he saw her but Sieon immediately turned around, making a u-turn from her path. She knew she would now have to take a longer route. But it was worth it if she didn't have to see San again.

She didn't know herself why she was avoiding him when she hadn't done anything.
Maybe it was a cautious side of her that was now scared of anyone observing the difference in San's behavior with her, now that he likes her.
Whatever it was, she didn't want to see him on purpose, and if possible, ignore him.

Which she did...but it was awkward, and definitely broke San's heart too. Atleast that is what she thought whenever she saw his expression changing as she would always change her path after seeing him.

Though how long could she ignore him?
Few days?
Few weeks?

Because less than two weeks after the confession, Sieon was once again in a situation where she would have to face San, or had to do the current task once again, some other day.

She slumped and looked at the shop she had to deliver a heavy, big quantity of order. San was there chatting with the owner, making it hard for Sieon to step any closer to the place.

As she was about to turn and leave, she heard a cheerful voice call out to her and she had no other option but to smile before looking back at the owner…and San.

"Hello, Mr. Gu."

"Finally. I've been waiting for ages for this order to arrive," the man took the packs from her and placed it on his table as San helped him as well.

"I'm sorry. We have had a lot of work this month."

The man looked at her with a frown before cracking up and shaking his head, "If you're actually sorry then how about you do me a favor?"

Sieon awkwardly glanced at San and then back Mr. Gu, "W-why not? What is it?"

"Do you mind dropping off these boxes at Mrs. Han's?"

"The one who lives opposite to the Park? Sure–"

"With San?"

Both Sieon and San asked in unison but San's question was ignored as Mr. Gu looked at Sieon and nodded, "I have 6 boxes to deliver and they are quite heavy, young lady."
He took out the boxes and placed it in front of them, "Initially I was only going to ask San but I don't think he understood the way to her house."

Now both the pair of eyes were turned this San as the lad shook his head, "I-I did! I'm only a little bit confused. But I'll–"

"See. Now quickly go you both before the sun sets."

Having no other option, both of them picked the boxes. San picked four boxes and Sieon –after a lot of convincing, picked two boxes instead of three.

Atmosphere grew uncomfortable as they walked side by side towards the park. Both of them thinking of breaking the silence but eventually deciding to stay quite.

"…I think we need to talk."

a/n: I'll update this book every Saturday or Sunday :)

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