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Exact three knocks later, Sieon opened the door knowing who it would be.

"Can I have my bucket?" First thing San asked as he looked down at the girl.

He could've taken the bucket himself too –the washroom door has no lock from outside, but he didn't want anymore scolding for not taking permission before.

"Yes, come." Sieon guided San towards the room and handed him his bucket.

"San," It was already night time. Before he could step out of her plane, Sieon stopped him. "Can we talk?"

After returning home, she had thought allot about what happened that day and whenever she felt happy, she also felt a pang of guiltiness in herself.

How can you feel happy? She had asked herself.

If not Chanyeol, she would've done the same, but less harsh than him. San was indeed new and didn't know the situation Sion had to go through. So she felt like San at least deserved an explanation.

"I've already apologized, but I wanted to say thank you."

He stared at her with confused because why was she anything but thankful to him?

"You know, because, what happened today made me realize that I have a value in villagers’ eyes too. They stood up for me and defended me even though they could've said that I'm trying to s-seduce you. Like what happened when we first time–"

Sieon abruptly stopped after she heard lots of footsteps, taking noises and sound of Bell getting closer and closer.

"Oh my!" As a reflex action, she pulled San in her cabin.

That was also a rule by government, that if someone is out, (anywhere away from home) and they don't have time to rush back home, they should just stay anywhere safe for that night. Even if it meant giving a bed to a stranger for one night. Besides, all the villagers knew each other so it wasn't a problem.

"No, I should get going–"

"Where is your residence?" She asked, "Answer me, quick!"

"In the Far-West, land 7."

"Like it's name, it's far from here. I can't let you leave like this." Her voice got lower as she spoke, quickly moving to blow the two candles in her house.

"But I can't stay." He argued back but the sound of bell was heard very clearly suddenly and they realized it was not appropriate for San to leave, so he ended up giving up.

"I'll give you a matress, wait." Sieon whispered to him after a while passed with both of them just standing, and went to get one. This was the first time something like this happened. Situation like these never occurred with Sieon.

San followed behind her as she went towards the cupboard. Sieon stepped down from the small stool with the folded matress in her hand, hoping she wouldn't fall. But when she turned around, the sudden image of the San's shadowy figure made her let out a squeak and San immediately placed a hand on her mouth.

"Shh~" For a second, both if them heard the bell stop, and then it continued to move farther and farther. The person with the Bell was going to take three rounds as usual.

He gently released her before she handed him the matress. Both of them glad of the darkness as they wouldn't be able to see the red hue on their cheeks.

This is frustrating. Sieon thought, knowing that she would have to act like she's sleeping because she can't tell San what she goes through. But what if she dozed off and woke up because of a nightmare?

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now