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"Festival went better than expected. The bell nights have been like uninvited guests, who visit at the worst time possible. I'm so happy it was pleasant," Chaeyoung recalled as she cut the fabric into two. "Mom even complimented you."

"What?" Sieon asked, sounding quite surprised.

Chaeyoung nodded, "Don't be so shocked, she said you're getting prettier."

Sieon bursted out laughing, "I was the prettiest when my parents were here. Now, I'm just a girl trying to survive as long as I can, independently–"

"Stop! Let's not mess up the mood," Chaeyoung chides, pursing her lips and continued, "The decorations in this festival were prettier then last year's even though they started off late."

Sieon agreed.

"Even the new comers were excited. They were so helpful to everyone."

Sieon placed her tools down and looked at her friend, "I don't get it why everyone thinks they are Angels? I mean–"

"I get it, Sieon, you and San aren't the best dou but this doesn't mean they are bad. And Yeosang–" she interrupted Chaeyoung.

"No, you don't get me, Chae. If anyone was in my shoes then they'd know." Even when it came to Yeosang, he was San's friend in the end and Sieon couldn't look over that.

"You know what, Sieon, I'm not taking to you." Chaeyoung puffed, "You ruin my mood."

Sieon kept shut and pursed her lips, knowing that her friend could never keep her mouth shut and especially not with her.
Chaeyoung will definitely be the one to start taking again.
"Hey... shhh... " Sieon heard Chaeyoung but ignored her. "Kim Sieon, go, deliver Sooyoung's dress..."

Sieon glanced at the clock, "So after an hour, someone realized they weren't alone."

"Oh come on, go," Sieon chuckled and took the dresses, "But! bring they full payment."

"I promise!"

"Sooyoung unnie," Sieon whined as she looked at the older female, "Please, not again. Chae will kill me."

"Sieon," Sooyoung whined as well, "I'm short on money..."

"Then why do you always ask me to put so much effort in your dresses, when you can't pay me?" She started off with a loud voice but it died down in the end.
Why can't I be more courageous?

"Please, Sieon. I promise I'll pay full amount next time."

"No," Sieon cared more about Chaeyoung so she decided not to submit, "I'll take the dresses back, then. I'll come when you'll have the money–"


"Money or dress." The statics worked because Sieon had the full amount when she exited Sooyoung's house. "I can't believe I did this. She payed. But what if she won't visit out shop anymore? What if–"

Sieon abruptly stopped when she felt a sudden push on her shoulder and her panic increased. "Sorry– Yeosang?"

"I'm so sorry, Sieon. I'm in a hurry and–"

"Let me help you." She immediately took some of the goods from him, which caused him to push her.

"Actually if you don't mind, take them with you, I'll collect them on my way home."

"Oh, really? Okay." She was confused but agreed nonetheless, "But wait, don't send San. Come yourself or take them tomorrow."

He smiled tentatively, "I'll see."

He could see Sieon stare at him as he sprinted off. When he was far enough from her, Yeonsang slowed down and placed the stuff down.

San followed shortly after and side-hugged his friend, "Thank you."

"Just thanks? You owe be big Sannie." San pouted making his friend cringe. "Don't make that face, you're not a child... In the end you did need my help."

"I know, but this is something which needs to be done."

"Whatever, now take this all back." Yeosang left San with all the stuff he had placed down. And even if on purpose, Yeosang was glad Sieon took some stuff from him because it was indeed heavy.


As expected, at night, Sieon's door was being knocked by the person she had forbidden to enter her land.

"Choi San, leave. And tell Yeosang to come." Sieon yelled loud enough for San to hear from inside.

"It's not that I'm here on purpose. Yeonsang is busy and I need the things back."

The door suddenly unlocked, and as quickly as it had opened, the things were being pushed into San's arms.
"Don't leave, one last thing is left." Sieon said, going back into her house in a swift motion.

Those few seconds where she picked the last thing, San took the opportunity and came in the house. Sieon glared at him and after a minute, she placed that last thing down, "What is it, San? Say, and leave."

There was no point in beating about the bush. San placed the things in his arms, down, "I'm sorry about yesterday.–"

"I forgave you. Take the things and leave." She said calmly, her voice sounding stern.

"No, you don't get me–"

"San, take the things and leave." She quickly picked up the things and pushed them towards him but before he could protest or be thrown out of Sieon's house, The Bell sound was heard.

Sieon stopped pushing him and San smiled, "Now you–"

"No," Sieon backed away from pushing him, "There is still time, run."

"No, my house is far. What if I don't make it, what if in the rush someone pushes me and my things drop and I don't have enough time to pick them up, and what if I have to leave the things–" he spoke in a breath.

"Shut up!" Sieon pulled him in abruptly, closing the door and ran around her house to blow out the candles.

By the time she was done, San had already placed the things neatly on a side and the look on his face clearly expressed how prepared he was to stay for the night.

"You–!" Sieon respected her situation and suddenly turned quite, lowering her volume. She sighed, "Look San, I'm not sure what it is with us but, what's still left that needs to be discussed? What do you want to talk about?"

"Don't take me wrong. I'm not sure how or why but things just don't go the way we want them to. I'm not just looking for answers but I also wish for things to be settled between us."

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now