We're over

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You were on the couch, cuddled up in blankets with tea and a good book. It was relaxing and you made the room extra comfy with some candles and pillows. Demi supposed to be at home, but you found a note (again) that she'd be out with her friends.

It said: "Hi baby! I'm so so sorry to ruin the night you planned for us, but Sel asked me to come with her to the opening of a new club close to town! I have to show my face there, but I'll be home before midnight. I promise. I love you xoxo Demi."

The time went fast and it turned into 2:10 AM. "Midnight my ass" you said annoyed and put your book down. You checked your phone, but your texts and calls didn't help a thing. You cleaned up the table and went upstairs. "Another night alone.. great life" you mumbled softly and climbed in your bed. After closing your eyes, you immediately felt asleep.

You slowly woke up by the sound of birds. You sat up, stretched your back and looked around the room. Demi wasn't laying next to you, so she must have been sleeping on the couch downstairs. You stood up and took a quick shower. After drying yourself, you put on your panties and an oversized t-shirt. You slowly went downstairs, but didn't saw Demi. "Great" you mumbled sadly and walked over to the kitchen for breakfast.

A few hours later you heared some laughter in front of your door. You stood up and walked over to it. When you opened it, you saw Sel and Demi standing there with roses. "Urm.. what is this?" You asked with your arms crossed. "For you baby" Demi said and kissed your cheek. You rolled your eyes and walked back in. "Babe.. wait" Demi said, but you ignored her. "I'll call you later" she said to Sel and closed the door. "Y/N, I'm sorry" She tried, but you had enough of it. "Demi, you can't do this to me every time. I thought we were in a relationship, but it seems like I'm all on my own here. I'm sick and tired of it!" You yelled and ran upstairs, crying..

"Babe wait" Demi said when she stormed into the room. She walked up to you and grabbed your hands. "Y/N, I know I'm wrong. And I'm so sorry for letting you down" she said with tears in her eyes. You just looked at her, without saying a thing. "Please, forgive me baby" she tried, but all you think of were the amounts of times you waited for her. Over and over again. "I'm tired of this Demi" you mumbled and rubbed your eyes. "I know baby, but this was the last time" she said and stroked your arms. "You've said that the last four times as well" you whispered softly and started crying again. "I don't know if I can do this anymore" you mumbled and looked down. Demi lifted up your chin and kissed your lips gently. "You're gonna miss this" she said with a smirk, trying to make you laugh. "Indeed.. I'm gonna miss that." You turned around, grabbed your clothes and put them in a suitcase. "Y/N, no baby. Don't leave me" she cryed. She kneeled down next to you and wrapped her arms around your neck. "Demi stop" you mumbled annoyed and pushed her off. You grabbed your stuff and walked downstairs. "Baby, give me one more chance. Please, one more baby." You turned around and walked up to her with tears rolling down your cheek. "I love you, I always will, but I need some space. Bye Demi" you whispered and kissed her cheek. She just stood there with her head to the ground. "I love you too" she replied back. You gave her a weak smile and walked out of the door. For good..

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