Misserable date

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You just stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around your body. You dryed your hair a bit and anointed yourself with lotion. It felt so good on your just shaved body. You walked out of the bathroom and saw your beautiful girlfriend sitting on the edge of your bed. She was in her bra and underwear.. "Morning baby" you said and kissed her softly on the lips. "Mhmm.. morning" she says and smiled at you. "What's under that towel?" She said biting her lip. "Nothing" you said and chuckled. "Nothing...? Can I have a sneak peek then?" She says with a smirk. "Nope" you said laughing and grapped your underwear of the ground. "Be right back" you said and waved with it. You heared her giggling.., it was so cute. After a couple minutes you returned. "What do you wanna do today?" Demi asked, wrapping her arms around you from behind. "I don't know.. surprise me" you said and turned around. "You're still not dressed?" You asked with a grin on your face. "No... I'm lazy" she said winking and did a little sexy walk to your closet. She grapped a cute outfit and throw it on your bed. "Steeling my clothes again?" You said and walked over to her with your arms crossed. "Yours are so cute.." she said with puppy eyes. "Pff fine" you said laughing and grapped a nice outfit too. You both dressed yourself and walked downstairs. "So.. a coffee at Starbucks first?" Demi asked and you nodded. She grapped your hand and lead you to the car. You both stepped in and she started to drive..

- At Starbucks

"So... what's so important right there?" You asked Demi. She was on her phone all the time. It annoyed you.., cause everytime you said or asked something, she just mumbled a yes or no back. "Hmm what..?" She says looking up at you. "Leave it" you said rolling your eyes. She didn't seem to care, cause she focussed back on her phone again. You stood up.., no response. "I'm going to the bathroom" you said annoyed. "Hm hm" she mumbled and you walked away. After like ten minutes, you walked out the door, but stopped when you saw Demi talking to a girl. She seemed to have some flirty time for her.. you walked over to the table and grapped your purse. You throw $10 on it and walked out angerly. She didn't even noticed.. "Fuck, I don't have car" you said to yourself and sat down on a bench. You called your friend Lucy. "Hey, it's me. Can you pick me up at the bench near Starbucks?" You asked. "Yea of course, on my way" she said. "Thanks" you said and hung up. What a fucked up day.. After a few minutes, Lucy arrived. Demi didn't even called or text or anything.. "Hey girl, step in" she said and you did so. "Thankyou so much" you said and gave her a weak smile. "What's up? Where is Demi?" She asked and started driving. "Well.. we had a date, but she was on her phone all the time. I went to the bathroom and when I came back, she was flirting with some girl who worked there" you said and looked out of the window. "That's kinda rude, isn't it?" She said looking at you.

"Yes.. she didn't even noticed that I left.. and besides that, it was our only day free in a while" you said looking down. "Sweetie, I bet she has a explaination for that" Lucy said, whiping your tear away. "I hope so..." you said and leaned back in the seat. Lucy parked her car before your house and looked at you. "Should I go with you?" She asked sweetly. "No, it's okay.. thankyou" you said and hugged her. "No problem" she said and you stepped out. She waved and you walked over to the door. You stepped inside and throw your purse on the couch. "This sucks..." you mumbled and layed down on the couch. You grapped your book and started reading. When you read, you totally relaxed.. it was a kind of escaping from the reality. After an hour, you heared your phone buzz. You grapped it and saw a message from Demi. "Baby, where are you? :(" it says.. "Waoow.. that was quick" you typed back and throw your phone to the wall. You started to cry.. and you walked over to the kitchen to made some tea. It's your grandmothers 'miracle' tea. "Gosh I need a fricking miracle right now.." you mumbled to yourself and put your hands on your back. Then you heared your phone ringing. "Waow.. that thing still works.." you said surprised and you walked over to it. Demi was calling you and left like six messages. You just starred at your phone and throw a pillow on it. "Solved" you said and walked back to the kitchen..

In those twenty mintues after, your phone kept ringing and buzzing. You didn't want to talk to her, especially not over the phone. You switched into your comfy clothes and layed back on the couch, cuddled up in a warm blanket. You turned on the TV.. 'Sam & Cat' was on. "Yeey" you mumbled and watched the show. A couple minutes later, the bell rang. "Comming!" You said and stood up. "Fuck... headache" you said with your eyes closed and took a deep breath. You walked over to the door and opened it. It was Demi... "Hey" she said nervously. "Hi" you said and just starred at her with a questioned face expression. "Are your parents home?" She asked. "My parents? Uh.. no?" You said confused. "Good, can I come in...?" She asked, playing with her fingers. You did a step back as sign for her to come in and closed the door behind her. You walked back to the living room and layed down on the couch again. "Why did you leave..?" Demi asked nervously. You grapped the remote and turned of the volume. "What do you think Demi?" You said angerly. "I don't know..." she said softly.. "Demi, this was our only free day in weeks. You were constandly on your phone, ignoring me completly and when I returned from the bathroom, I saw you flirting with some random chick.. So again.. why do you think I left?!" You said louder.

"Y/n I'm sorry. The 'chick' is Shana and we dated two years ago for like three weeks, but I decided to just be friends, cause I crushed you. She was asking about how things were between me and you.. And it was never my intention to ignore you baby... I was just a little... busy" she said calmly. "Busy? With what? What is so important to fuck up our date?" You said almost crying. Demi stood up and walked over to you. She kneeled down before you and stroke your cheek. "I was looking at some houses.., cause I want.. to cohabit with you baby" Demi said smiling. Your face light up. "W-what..? Really?" You asked nervously. "Yes my love, I'm sorry I fucked up the date. That was never my intention.." she said looking into your eyes, with pure love. "It's okay" you said softly. She brushed her nose against yours. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" you said. She lifted up your chin and kissed you full of passion...

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