It's all about love

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You and Demi are dating for two years now and you lived together in her house. You worked fulltime in a cafeteria, because you didn't want that Demi pays everything for you.. also you were afraid that other people would think that you date her, because of the money and that's NOT it.. Friday night 11PM, and you finally got the message to leave. You grap your phone out of your locker and saw a text from Demi "Baby.. I'm getting tired! But I'll do my best to stay awake for u ♥" Ahhw.. can you imagine a better girlfriend? You raced home and finally stepped out of the car. When you walked into the house, you spot Demi on the couch.. cuddled up in a tiny ball, asleep of course. You quietly walked over to her and sit down besides her. When you reach to her head, she opened her eyes "Booo! Got ya!!!" she laughs and you laugh with her. "Oh my gosh! You're so mean! My heart is beating out of control!!" you said laughing "That's because of me" she says with a smirk and wrapped her arms around your neck "Why are you working so much babe?" she says with puppy eyes "Because I want to pay for the house and other things too.." you mumbled and looked down. She lifts up your chin untill your eyes meet hers. She looks into your eyes with so much love and says "That's why I love you so much y/n. You're so sweet" and she kissed you passionately..

The rest of the night you two cuddled on the couch and eventually fall asleep..

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