Let's cuddle

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You were cooking dinner for the first time in two months. Mostly your roommates did, but this time it was you. And it smelled nice, so that was a good sign. Right? You laughed at yourself and stirred some more in the pasta sauce. "Mmm" you heared the girls saying, as they walked in. You turned around and looked at them smiling. "Y/N, oh my gosh! It smells delicious" Marissa says and plumped down on the couch. Nathalie and Katy followed, but Demi didn't. She walked up to you and wrapped her arms around your waist. She rested her head on your shoulder and put her finger in the sauce. You slapped her hand away. "Don't, it's not ready yet" you said laughing. She laughed as well and licked her finger clean. "Sowwy, couldn't help it" she said and jumped on the kitchen table. You rolled your eyes playfully and throw some dry pasta to her. She gasped and throw it back to you. "Ey, that thing almost got into my eyes" you said giggling. She smirked "That would be a shame." You winked and turned off the gas. "Dinner is ready guys!" You said and put everything on the table. Demi jumped of and sat down next to you. She kissed your cheek, which made you blush. You always had a big crush on her, but you didn't know if she had one back. I mean.. you guys cuddle and hang out a lot.. and one time you kissed.., but that says nothing. Does it?

Yall began to eat. It was amazing! You never complimented yourself about making dinner, but this time.. omg.. You looked at everyone, who were busy with talking and laughing. It was really nice.

When dinner was finished, you brought all the plates and glasses to the kitchen and started doing the dishes. As always.. Demi came in, checking on you. "Hey stranger" she said smiling and walked over to you. You eyes met "Hi beautiful" you said and looked back at the dishes. "Should I help you?" She asked softly and stood next to you. "If you want" you replied cutely and giggled a little. She did as well and helped you. It was fun, even more when you started splashing water over her shirt. "Sorry not sorry" you said laughing. She gasped, laughing as well, and splashed water back at you. After a few minutes, you both were soaking wet. "We need to change clothes" you said. "Yeaaa definitely" she says wiggling her eyebrows and grabbed your arm. "Leggo" she said, trying to be cool and walked upstairs with you. "Omg, where are all my comfy clothes?" You mumbled softly and searched for them in the closet. Behind you, you heared cute little giggles. "Demetria?? Where are they?" You said with a smirk and pushed her playfully on the bed. "Hmm? Dunnow?" She said with a grin, biting her lip. "Tell. Me. Now." You said and sat on her legs. You grabbed her wrists with one hand and tickled her with the other one. "Okay!!! Sowwy!!!" She begged and you stopped.

"I kinda wore them all week, cause they were so soft and smelled nice.. and I was cold too. Besides, we share right?" She says with her baby voice and puppy eyes. You giggled and kissed her nose. "Yeah we share, but I want a sweater right now, cause I'm cold" you said and got of her legs. You took one from hers and put it on. "Cute" Demi said and blushed a little. "Like you" you said and closed the doors of the closet. "Let's go downstairs and watch some movies okay?" you said and grabbed her hand. "Can we cuddle then?" She asked softly. "Of course we can" you said smiling and walked downstairs with her.

Part 3)

When you came downstairs, you saw everyone already cuddled up. You walked over and sat down, while Demi searched for a blanket. She found one and walked over to you. You rested your back against the back and arm leaning, so Demi could lay between your legs. She did and put the blanket around you two. You looked at her smiling while she snuggled up on top of you, resting her head on your chest. Your arms were wrapped around her back, slightly rubbing it with your fingertips.

After a few hours, all the girls (except you and Demi) went to sleep. You both were still laying in the same position, untill Demi looked up at you. "Kiss me Y/N" she whispered. You didn't hesitate for a second and kissed her lips softly, stroking her cheeks gently. "Mhmm" she moaned and pulled away after a while. You blushed and giggled a bit. "I wanna be able to that every day" she whispered and kissed them once more. "Just ask me" you replied and hugged her tight. "Be mine" she mumbled into your neck. You smiled with your eyes closed. "Forever and always." And the both felt asleep in eachothers arms.

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