Meeting your idol

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Your life isn't that easy at all.. you have an eating disorder, you live with your aunt in L.A. (because you couldn't handle your home situation anymore) and you're getting bullied at school.. like really bad.. so you just want to give up, but there is only one person that keeps you out that point of breaking down. Demi Lovato. You never had the chance to meet her, because you didn't have enough money for the M&G, but you're always had your hopes.. One day the bullying got out of control and you stormed out of your class, crying.. You run to your favorite spot at the lake (that was near your house) You sit down, grab your notebook and just start to write. You always write songs about your life and your really good at it, but the lyrics are personal, so you never actually shown it to anyone. You couldn't help it, but started to cry.. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and a familiar voice says "Sweetie, are you okay?" You turn around and you couldn't believe your eyes. It was Demi Lovato!

You freaked out and dropped your notebook in the lake. "Shit.. I'm so sorry!" Demi says "Wait i'll get it out of the water" she graps a wooden stick and tries to reach the notebook. Finally she got it and gives it back to you. "I'm you go.. what's your name honey?" Demi says "I'm y/n" you replied. "Awh that's a lovely name.. and what are you doing here? Crying?" And she puts her hand on your back. Your still in shock, cause Demi fricking Lovato is sitting next to you, rubbing your back in comfort. "I-I-I" and you start to cry again. "Honey, don't cry.. come on, were going to my place" she says and you nod. Finally you and Demi arrived at her house.. it's beautifull! You stepped out after her and she holds your hand, while you guys walked into her house. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back" and she smiles at you before walking away. You sit on the couch and look around the room. After 5 minutes she returns with a blanket and two cups of hot chocolat milk. "Surprise!" she says and she sits down next to you. "So, are you feeling a little better?" She asked. "Yes, thank you so much I-I just can't believe that I'm sitting on your couch right now" and Demi smiles at you. She puts the blacket over you two and hands you the cup. "Do you wanna share your story? I'm here for you beautifull" and she rubs your back again. You nod and tell everything that happened. You saw that Demi had tears in her eyes and that made you cry even more. After an hour of talking she got up and went to your bag. Your eyes followed her and you gasps as she comes back with your notebook. "Can I see what's in here?" You nod slowly. As she reads it you saw a tear rolling down her cheek and you whiped it away. "Why are you crying?" You said softly and Demi looks up. "This is the most beautifull lyric I've ever read" she says. You smile at her and she hugs you thight."You're so strong honey" she whispers "You're my little warrior" you guys watch the rest of the night tv and you fall asleep in her arms.

You slowly woke up and looked around the room. You were still in Demi's arms. It felt so good! This was the first time in your life that somebody actually cared about you. Also Demi woke up and says "Goodmorning sleeping beauty" you smiled at her "Goodmorning Demi" you say "So how are you feeling today?" she asked. "Yeah, well I'm feeling much better, because you was there for me and I really appreciate that" she smiled at you "I've one more surprise for you honey." You looked up confused "Really? What is it?" she smiled and handed you a little box. You opened it and began to cry.. It was a VIP ticket for Demi's concert for tonight! "Omg Demi! This i-is s-o cool!" And you hugged her thight.

Later that night:

"How are you guys doing!!!!!" Demi screams to the crowd. All the Lovatics were going crazy and so were you. "Okay guys, now I'm gonna sing a really special song.. My friend wrote this and it made me cry, so I hope you guys like it" and she began to sing your song! It was the most beautifull thing that someone ever did for you. After the song you had tears in your eyes and so had every Lovatic in the building. "Thank you guys so much! My friend y/n is here right now! Come to the stage honey!" Demi says and you started running to the stage. She hugged you and tells everyone how amazing and strong you are. She sang Nightingale to you and after that you walked off the stage. You watched the rest of the show backstage and it was amazing. When the show ended Demi walked up to you and whispered "Did you liked that surprise?" you nod while you had a smile on your face from ear to ear. "Thank you for everything you did for me Demi. You are a amazing person and I'll never forget this." "You're welcome baby, I love you and never forget that you are beautifull" she says. You guys hugged one more time and then you went home. "This time is going to be different.. I'm a warrior"....

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