Chapter 6 - Questioning Knowledge

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I stepped into the black limo whilst trying not to blind myself. The flashes of the cameras were fierce and it was soon giving me another headache, but as soon as we started driving, I rolled the window down to its lowest so I felt much better with a cold gush of air on my face. The beach looked beautiful as we drove past it, the water was showing off its glittery sparkles as it danced under the dim sunlight, rocking slowly to the rhythm of the waves. I've always wanted to live by the sea side, I've never told Tristan that, but I guess somehow he knew.

The area we lived in seemed much more peaceful and quiet than my last home, well without the reporters and all. There were so many small cottages, with baskets of flowers near the porch where old women stood with watering cans and cats lazily sitting at their feet. Our house was surronded by big trees, and looked like a huge castle compared to the rest of the homes although what we lived in was actually called a villa.

I'm sure that me and Tristan wanted to live in peace, have a simple house in a calm place, but the royals in the werewolf world have to have a big house, to have a good reputation, be presentable, bla, bla, bla.

I sighed and leaned my head on Tristan's bicep, even through all the clothes he was wearing, I could still feel his bulging, hard, muscles. The Tristan I knew; sensitive, gentle, a little quiet, had now grown up into a man. We had both matured a lot and how we deal with the fame, I do not know. He has more fans in the werewolf world, and I have more fans in the human world. We both decided that we would try and let fame not kill us, or drive us crazy like the other celebrities. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, strip clubs, and sex, were not the solution. We would respect and love each and every one of our fans because we were grateful for their support.

"Do you ever think about the future?" I asked him after a few comfortable minutes. I was scared to ask him that, incase he freaked out, like most guys tend to. I didn't really want to be the one that started the 'Future' talk, but it's been bugging me for a while. If we can't mate, have no kids, then what then? I didn't want to be an old lady with an elderly husband who both smell like cabbage. I love Tristan, he makes me more happy than anyone I've ever been with, but I want us to get somewhere in life. We won't move forward if we're standing still.

"All the time." he mumbled back. I waited for him to continue but he didn't.

"What do you see?" I replied, feeling him shrug.

"I don't know... marriage?" my heart started beating harder, just hearing those words.

I felt myself blush and I took my head off his shoulder, looking somewhere else and fiddling with my dress.

"What do you think of that?" he asked curiously.

"Um, I-I don't know." I replied nervously. What was I supposed to say? I still get so nervous and shy around him sometimes, it's unbelievable.

"Oh." he answered back, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"Hey Tristan," I started. "You know when you said if I was pregnant and they killed me... you would die?"

"Yes..." he said reluctantly.

"So is that normal? If I die, you die?" I asked.

"Well, most of the time." he replied. "Only some Alphas survive, I think. If you're not an Alpha, you'll probably die. But if an Alpha loses his mate, he'll have to withdraw from the position of being the leader."

"Why's that?"

"Werewolves who lose their mates go rogue." he said. "Or Immoral."

"Oh... wait, did you just say-"

"I love you, Scar!" someone shouted from the street, making me smile and wave at the guy as we drove past.

"How do you see us in the future?" Tristan questioned, fixing his gaze on me and ignoring the guy's comment.

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