Chapter 30 - When Player Meets Player

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Nicole's POV

I sat at the dining table with the rest of the pack. I've made a lot of friends here, they're so friendly and outgoing, even if most of them aren't that rebellious as my other little group of friends, they're still my kind of people. It's been two days since I had walked out of Lucas' apartment and I hadn't called back or anything. And the sad thing was that neither had he.

I really missed talking to him but I knew that if I gave in too soon, he knew he had the control. He just needed some time to think. I just wanted him to open up to me because our relationship was going nowhere without some kind of confession. Although it wasn't really fair on him. I hadn't told him fully about my past either and I didn't want to think I was being a hypocrite but I knew he had bigger things to hide.

And I was determined to find out what.

"Hi Nicole." Daniel smiled at me.

"Hi." I smiled back.

"How are you?" he asked politely.

"I''m fine, thanks." my phone started to ring and I excused myself out the room. I opened the front door and talked outside. "Hello?"

"Nicole." Lucas said and his voice accelerated my heartbeat.

"Yes?" I replied.

"You're right..." he continued. "I am scared."

"Took you long enough." I smiled into the phone while walking around. "And what are you scare-"

"I want to tell you all about myself." he interrupted and it sounded like he was trying to quickly get his point across, like he was in a rush.

"Okay." I replied, going along. "When?"

"Tonight." he said.

"You sound so sure of yourself." I noted.

"I don't want to hide myself, my real self, from you anymore." he said. "I'm afraid if I don't take the chance now, I never will."

"I get it." I nodded eventhough he couldn't see me. "You better tell me everything, Lucas."

"Of course I will." he said. "I just hope you're ready for it."

"What do you-"

"Bye, have to go, love you." he said quickly into the phone before hanging up.

"Love you too." I muttered before staring at the phone. He sounded really serious about this... what did he have to tell me that was so big, I needed to be prepared for?

Just seconds after I had hung up, someone else called me, breaking my train of thoughts.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, it's me." Tristan replied.


"No need to sound too disappointed." he said. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah..." I replied. "How's Italy?"

"It's great apart from the fact that I can't touch Scar." he said.

"Because she's too damn hot?"

"No, because she told me not to."

"Ouch!" I said. "Apply ice to the burned area."

"Whatever, it's complicated. Give the phone to Daniel." he ordered and I rolled my eyes before walking back inside and wordlessly handing the phone over to Daniel who gave me a questioning look before taking it.

"Hello?" he said into the phone and I walked away upstairs towards my current room. I lay on the bed and started thinking about Lucas. This whole relationship thing is so new to me and I hoped I wasn't doing anything wrong. I sighed and a goofy smile naturally painted itself onto my face as I thought back to his words. The way he hung up the phone and his firm voice kept on repeating in my head.

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