Chapter 17 - First Taste

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There was a moment of silence where everyone stood staring, shocked at what had just taken place. Blood quickly trickled down my arm, feeling hot and runny compared to the rest of my skin. I could feel it reach my fingertips until its pace slowed and it slipped down onto the floor in small drops every once in while.

My eyes were widened at Riley's face. He had a look of horror, regret, and fear on his face as he swallowed and backed away, using his arms up as a shield.

"What the f*** did you just do?" Tristan said in a furious voice, glancing at my wound. Tristan only swore when he got really, really mad and right now, he was flaming with anger. He looked at the damage on my arm with a serious face, examining it.

"Tristan." I muttered. "It's okay, calm down."

"It is not okay!" he growled, setting his darkened eyes on me before turning to Riley. "How dare you do that? How dare you treat your own Luna like that? You've disrespected me and disgraced your whole pack!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No." Tristan cut him off angrily. "You didn't mean to claw her, you were meant to claw me, right?"

"Tristan, I-" Riley's eyes welled up with tears and I was shocked at the sight. I think it was mostly out of fear though.

"It's Alpha to you." he said, growly lowly as he towered over him with an intimidating figure. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor. I have never heard him say that.

"S-sorry, I-I was really upset an-"

"That gives you no right, whatsoever, to touch your Luna, my mate, one of the leaders of your pack and your friend, in such a disgusting way." he was infuriated and we all stood quivering from his words and the way he said them so powerfully. "You will step down from the position of Beta."

"W-what?" he stammered, eyes wide at Tristan in shock as tears ran to his cheeks. I was gaping at Tristan, not noticing that I was creating a puddle of blood below me. "Then... then who's going to be the Beta?"

"That's for me to sort out." he said. Eventhough he wasn't glaring, he was giving Riley the most coldest look I have ever seen. "You've lost your place here, Riley. I forbid you from returning to the pack."

"What?" he shouted. "But I'm your brother!"

"Don't ever say that again." he snarled, eyes darkening again. "You are not my brother. A brother would never turn against his own. You've taken this too far."

"Oh my god." he put his face in his hands.

"And you were right." he replied, jaw clenching with anger. "I would kill anyone who hurts my precious Scar, because that's what loyalty is."

"What about Becky?" he asked. "Where will we go? Dad? Mom? Luke?"

"Becky is your mate, therefore your responsibility." he said icily. "Jonathan, Victoria, and Luke are always travelling, it won't be hard for them to find a home."

"You're kicking them out too?"

"You've disgraced your family as well as your pack. Think about the consequences before you do something."

"You can't... you can't just..."

"Anything else?"

"We've grown up together Tristan!" he stepped closer, making Tristan growl, and stepped back again. "You can't just leave me like this."

"It's not me who's leaving." he said coldly before turning around and wrapping one arm around my waist and taking the hand of the arm that wasn't hurt.

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