Chapter 18 - Snowdrops

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Scar's POV

I was so fed up of me and Tristan. I've always been Scarlett Evans, daughter of Andrew Smith. Now I was Scarlett Evans, mate of Tristan Adams. I wanted to be my own person. I felt like a red in a crowd of blues. An outcast.

It was all perfect before this Pure and Immoral crap came up. I don't even understand what his problem is, I didn't even do anything. I didn't even break up with him! I just wanted a break from him. I was with him for every second of the day and it was great but I'm the type of person that distances myself from people when I think I'm getting too close to them. I don't mean to do it, I don't understand why I even unconsciously carry that out but it's become a natural thing for me and it's not good. Maybe somewhere deep inside of me, I do that before I think that person could hurt me.

I don't know.

Eventhough I thought all that inside of me, it wasn't serious. It was just a thought at the back of my mind but Athena had used me to make it into something worse. She had used what I had been thinking to into a potential break up. I hated her so much, i just wanted her out of my life. I've never hated anyone more.

She was such a... a... there were no words to describe how she made me feel. Whenever I thought of her, there was fire all around my body, lighting up with rage and I just wanted to punch something.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt hands gently shake me awake. Nicole was towering over me, shaking me. What the heck? Memories of last night flashed through my mind and I sat up gingerly, squinting at her soundlessly.

No one understood what I was going through. Not even Tristan. He thought I was distancing myself from him but it was my way of telling him to come closer. I felt like I didn't belong anywhere. He was trying to stop everything that could ruin us but it wasn't his place to mess with nature. I was an Immoral and he hated it.

"I'm sorry." she blurted out, making me widen my eyes at her although I didn't say anything. "For all the things I said yesterday."

I just gaped at her sleepily, not believe that Nicole was actually apologizing.

"There's breakfast." she said before pausing. "I'll be downstairs."

She left the room and I went to the toilet. I brushed my teeth, washed my pale face, and changed clothes before walking downstairs. The room was filled with an awkward, uncomfortable silence when I arrived and I avoided any contact whatsoever with anyone.

I got myself some cereal and placed myself into the chair on the table opposite Tristan. Nicole was sitting on the head of the table where Tristan normally sat. We both were looking down at our food, swirling our spoons around in a circular motion. I took the risk and glanced up at him, his shoulders were drooped and he looked like a sulky child. I could see his long lashes cover his eyes as he stared down, there were bags under his eyes and he looked tired.

He looked up and my eyes widened at the sight of his before I quickly looked back down. I heard him sigh and stand up, he picked his food up and sat on the couch, eating it there. That offended me pretty badly because I glared at him, not caring that he couldn't see.

"Tristan, why did you go there?" Nicole asked, irritated.

"I didn't want to sit there anymore." he replied simply, not even looking at her.

I felt a wave of anger take over me as I pulled my chair back, slammed the spoon on the table and started stomping away. I didn't need this.

"Wait!" Nicole shouted and I stopped and turned around to look at her. "Tristan!"

"What?" he asked in an annoyed voice.

"I'm sick of you two!" she glared at both of us with her hands on her hips. "I know both of you love eachother so stop acting like children and admit it!"

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