Chapter 13 - Price Of Fame

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Nicole's POV

I walked alongside him, laughing to his jokes. He looked at me sideways and smiled, and I could see how the smile reached his eyes. I smiled back, my heart felt so full, and I loved how he made me feel.

"Nicole," he said, looking at the ground. My heart beat twice as fast as before, the way he said my name.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Sure." I answered back casually.

"Do you ever-ever feel like someone's always controlled your life? Like you don't belong and you're trapped?" he said but then stopped, looking as if he had said too much.

I thought for a moment. I thought about Dorothy's strict face, how she had told me where to go, when to come home. How she never really treated me like her daughter, eventhough I wasn't, how she had kept me hidden from all the wrong things. I thought about Tristan and how he had set restrictions just begging me to break them.

"Yes. I do." I replied. He stopped walking and turned to me.

"You know, you don't have to agree." he said, facing me.

"No, I really mean it." I answered back, looking at him. He reached his hand forward and pulled back a strand of my hair that was blowing in the wind. His hand then slid to my shoulder as he looked into my eyes. His touch sent electricity through my veins, warming my whole body up.

"You're blushing." he noted before grinning. I pushed him away and crossed my arms before walking away. "Oh, come on."

I looked back at him and laughed. My phone then started ringing. I took out the vibrating device and looked at who was calling me. Dorothy.

"Sorry, I'll have to take this." I muttered, signalling at him before walking a few metres away. "Hello?"

"Nicole." I heard her stern voice say.

"Yes?" I replied nervously.

"Where are you?" she demanded.

"I told you... I... I'm staying at Tristan's for a while." I gulped, listening for her reply.

"Are you lying to me?"

"No!" I panicked. "No, I'm not. I am staying at Tristan's."

It wasn't technically a lie though I wasn't at his right now. I looked around; we were in some sort of field, grass area.

"Where are you now?"

"I, um, with a friend."

"Where's Tristan?"

"He's... he's at home." I closed my eyes, cursing myself silently. I had lied to everyone for years, pretending that I had never known Tristan was my brother, why do I always become so nervous when speaking to her?

"How much did you tell him?" her voice was strict and straightforward.

"I didn't tell him anything." I answered back quietly. I hope she didn't keep me on the phone too long. I wanted get back to Lucas.


"Yes." I sighed before repeating my previous sentence. "I didn't tell him anything."

"Right. Okay." she said. "Just make sure you be careful and don't stay at his too long. Do the public know that you and Tristan are brother and sister?"

"I don't think so." I replied, frowning. Was it possible they knew?

"Okay then..." she said. "Bye."

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