Chapter 3 - Dead End

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"Then why don't you do that neck-sucking thing you do?" I said frowning and making him chuckle. Okay, that sounded so much better in my head.

"It doesn't work all the time." he smiled at me, holding both of my hands, making my heart beat fast because of the sparks and the warmth built in them.

"Oh." I said dully. "Even if I object not to stay close to you, would it really matter?"

"No, I guess it wouldn't." he smiled at me widely before getting up and wrapping an arm around my waist, guiding me downstairs where all the noise was coming from.

Everyone was here from the pack, including my mom and Jamie. I was searching the area for anyone familiar when my eyes fell upon Riley and Becky but Tristan's voice distracted me from going to them.

"Scar, meet Mr and Mrs Allen, Riley's parents. Guys, this is Scar, my mate." I shook hands with Mr and Mrs Allen as they smiled brightly at me.

Riley's parents wasn't what I expected them to be.

Mr Allen had really dark brown hair and his eyes which were brown too had a shining sparkle to them. Even though his hair was brown, most of his head was covered in grey hairs, showing that he was a little old, yet despite that, he had a youthful smile and young eyes. He wore a crumpled, checked shirt contrasting with his wife's classy outfit.

Mrs Allen wore a red dress that complimented her figure, and olive skin tone. Unlike her husband, she seemed to care more about what she wore but looked like she wasn't trying much. Nevertheless, she looked stunning. She had long brown hair which she tied up into a neat bun, and had matching, cool brown eyes.

"Please, call us Jonathan and Victoria." said Jonathan.

"I-sure." I gave a nervous laugh and smiled back at them as Tristan pulled me reassuringly closer.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you, we've heard lots about you." Victoria commented, smiling.

"Really? Like what?" I was curious.

"Nothing." Tristan said hastily, giving Jonathan and Victoria a hard look. "Come on Scar."

I gave them a last smile before Tristan lead me away.

"What was that about?" I asked as soon as they couldn't hear us.

"There's just a lot of rumours." he replied.

"What rumours?" I needed to know.

"Nothing." I knew he wouldn't tell me until the time is right so I just sighed.

"Right, well, I'm going to go and call my agent." I said, pulling away from him. He looked a little hurt and I bit my lip.

"Okay," he cupped my neck. "I'll be up in a bit."

He leaned in closer and kissed me tenderly, making me forget that we were in public as I moved my lips with his. I put my hand into his hair and pulled his head closer but he then pulled back, grinning at me. I sighed, exasperated that he had tricked me into forgiving him yet again without actually saying anything, and turned around to go upstairs. I opened the door of our bedroom and found my phone lying on top of the table.

I dialled Adrianna's number and waited until she picked up.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hi, Adrianna?" I bit my lip. "I can't make it to that interview tonight."

"Scar? Why not?!" she cried.

"I-something came up and well, it's impossible for me to come to the interview." Adrianna was strict, professional and very punctual about things, but she can be a really nice person. With long, wavy blonde hair, she was in her early thirties, and she had made her rules very clear when she hired me.

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