Chapter 27 - Fearless

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Warning: This chapter may contain some sexual content.

Tristan pushed me down roughly onto the floor of the car, he lay on top of me, protecting my body with his heavy, thick one. My heart was pounding and I was scared because there were more gunshots and there were holes in the windows, decorated with cracks. I put my arms over my head in alarm and fear as I felt Tristan lift himself off me quickly. I looked up and saw that the driver had turned around and was pointing a gun at us.

I screamed as he shot but he missed thankfully and Tristan grabbed the gun off him. He kicked the driver out of his seat and he threw him out of the window. Meanwhile, the car was going from side to side as I crawled on the floor, too afraid to move.

"Scar, come to the front!" Tristan roared. I shook my head and swallowed my fear before climbing to the passenger seat. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw that about four people on motorbikes were following us in black leather jackets, black shades and helmets. Tristan was driving like a maniac, his hair was all messed up, his cheeks were pink and his eyes were wide but focused on the road.

"What can I do?" I asked loudly.

"Nothing, just take the gun!" he replied. I nodded and reached for the gun in the backseat before turning back to the front. We were driving at 100mph on a deserted bridge that was built across a lake. My hair and the sweat on my clammy face stuck together as I glanced in the mirror, my eyes were wide with fear and my cheeks were flushed.

"Do I shoot them?" I asked.

"What? You haven't killed anyone before." he said as if even the thought of the idea was ridiculous. I stared at the gun, I could hear my heartbeat loudly over everything that was happening right now and I put on a neutral face.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." I said before sticking my head out the window with the gun.

"No!" he grabbed me back in, staring at me with fury. "You are not going to kill anyone."

"But Tristan-"

He slapped me across the face harshly and glared at me angrily as I stared open mouthed at him.

"Keep that gun for safety but don't fire it at anyone unless you're really desperate." he said seriously. "I'm going to go faster now so hold on tight. When I say 'now', jump out."

I didn't reply but he accelerated the car to the maximum. The shock of him slapping me made my body freeze, the stinging pain of the hard slap on my left cheek made tears spring up to my eyes instantly but I blinked them away. I wasn't about to accuse him and put him in jail, or burst into tears and commit suicide, these things happen, but I was more upset than angry. He would never ever have done this another time. My eyes trailed down to his hand on the gear. The same hand that hit me. It was trembling.

Things were zooming past me and I shut my eyes, my hand holding onto the handle where I was suppose to pull to open.

"Now!" he shouted and I opened it before jumping out. I landed on the floor smoothly because of my training, just in time to see the car rush deeper into the forest. The road of the bridge ended here, in a forest, except for a narrow path. Tristan's big hand grabbed mine and he pulled me harshly while I ran to catch up with him.

The trees were very tall but thick, it was cold and little misty with some sun rays shining through the leaves. I couldn't see anyone else but then again, I wasn't looking around. I ran as fast as I could with Tristan, the only thing that could be heard in the eerie silence was the sound of our uneven panting as we ran through the chilly forest.

We came infront of a small cottage. It looked old and it was the kind of filthy cottage that you would think was haunted. I didn't have time to analyze it because he dragged me inside before I could blink.

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