Chapter 4 - I Trust You

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Warning: This chapter contains some sexual material which may not be appropriate for some viewers.

What the-

But before I could even finish my thoughts, Tristan was standing infront of me and growling even louder and more powerfully at Riley. Riley immediately backed away and looked down.

"Never ever dare to do that again." Tristan growled at Riley, towering over him and making him look like small kid who had got caught doing something naughty. This, I realized, looked like a big brother scolding his younger one. "You will give her the same amount of respect, honour, and dignity that you give to me. Do not ever even think about treating her any less than you treat me."

"I'm sorry, I just reacted instinctly, to protect Becky." Riley mumbled.

"I-" Tristan started but I interuppted him. Riley had just gotten over-protective, he probably thought I was going to hurt it because of me walking out earlier, and the speed I had ran at them.

"Tristan," I said softly. "It's okay, he was just doing that like a reflex, I'm sure you would have done the same if that was me."

Tristan, Becky, Riley, and his parents, all stared at me as if I had asked them for a kidney. I stared back at Tristan, wondering what was wrong, before carrying on.

"Um, Riley, Becky, I, uh, I'm really sorry for what happened earlier, it wasn't about you." I apologised, making them relax and smile at me.

"That's fine." Becky replied, smiling happily.

"Congratulations." I said, smiling back, glancing at the humungous bump of her stomach. "Boy or girl?"

"Girl." she laughed and patted her stomach softly. "She hasn't kicked yet though. They said that werewolf kids are different."

"Wait, you're still 18 right?" I asked, frowning at her.

"19." she corrected me. I was the youngest in the year; so unfair. Everyone would already be nineteen.

"Oh... so now, I don't have a drinking buddy anymore." I smiled at her, feeling happy.

"I don't think you'll need one." Tristan said behind of me. He wrapped his arm around my waist from behind and pulled me to him so that my back was against his chest, increasing the level of heat between us. I gulped, trying to keep in control.

"Haha, oh remember those wild parties you told me about, dad? The one where that girl put her hand in your-" Riley started, laughing until he stopped short when he saw Jonathan shaking his head frantically at Riley with a panicked expression on his face and his hands shaking no, while I thought about where that girl had stuck her hand in and what she did there.

"Care to tell me about those wild parties, Jonathan?" Victoria glared at her husband, her arms folded across her chest as her foot tapped impatiently.


"Ugh! Men!" she said before storming off.

"Thanks a lot, son." Jonathan glared at Riley before following his wife like a lost puppy. "Victoria!"

We all laughed and Riley started talking to Becky, I didn't know what to do since I didn't want to feel like I was invading their privacy, but I got distracted when Tristan slipped a finger into one of my belt hoops and dragged me closer to him.

"You never interrupt an Alpha." he held me closer to him by wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I heard a low rumble in his chest and I tried to pull away but his arms were too strong.

"Let me go." I sighed. I turned my head around to face him, feeling his hot breath blow gently at the back of my neck, the heat turning up as I looked at him. We were close. So close. He stared into my eyes, still searching for something like the first time I met him. I didn't know what he was searching for, or what he found, but I wanted to know. I wanted to know what he was thinking, what he was hiding behind those light brown eyes; he was still a mystery to me.

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