Chapter 5 - Exposed

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I stirred as I felt something warm and soft on my neck, a strong thing wrapped around my waist as my back hit something hot and hard. I sleepily opened my eyes and noticed that Tristan was leaving kisses on my neck, gently waking me up. He pulled me towards him protectively, erupting butterflies in my stomach. My sensitive ears picked up his heart beat, and I felt the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed peacefully.

I smiled happily and closed my eyes as he buried his head in my neck, his muscular arm wrapped around my small frame. I wrapped the sheets around me which is when I froze and flashed my eyes open.

"Tristan." I said in a hoarse but firm voice. "Why am I naked?

I scrunched the sheets in my fists as I held it up to cover my bare chest. I felt Tristan stir next to me and then a jolt of electricity and fire, making me jump, ran through my nerves as his fingertips lightly traced small circles on my stomach.

"You are?" he asked huskily. "You should not have told me that."

"Tristan." I repeated seriously, trying to remind myself of what happened last night. "Did we...?"

"No." he replied before lying on his back and running a hand through his hair. "We were close to it though."

I looked down, remembering various shots of what had happened. This means that he had seen everything. He had seen me naked. I suddenly felt angry and embarrassed at myself for giving in so easily, he had melted me down, softened me to butter; what was I thinking? He wouldn't just change his mind like that.

He turned my body around and smiled down at me. It was driving me crazy knowing that I was just a sheet away from being exposed. Whatever had happened last night... he had summoned that vulnerable side of me that I hated to show and I was now shy, realizing how far this has lead to. I wasn't someone who woke up naked to a guy, boyfriend or not. I also started to think about mating. Even if I did manage to persuade him, was I ready to lose myself at 18?

"Je t'aime ma chérie," he murmured in that alluring foreign accent, looking down at me with smoldering eyes as he created a bubble of warmth inside my body, sparks ran up my palm where his lips had recently kissed me. "Mais je crains que vous êtes trop irrésistible pour moi de prendre."

I had no idea what the hell he just said but damn it sounded good. I let out a sigh, tilting my head slightly to the side unconsciously as I admired him, and he sat up straight then put a hand on my cheek which I instantly leaned into.

"I wish I knew what all that meant." I replied in a sad voice.

"At first, I said 'I love you, my darling'," he mumbled, his gaze fixed on my lips as he traced the outline of them with his thumb. "Then I said 'But I fear that you are too irresistible for me to take'."

I scoffed and shook my head.

"What?" he grinned at me.

"'Too irresistable for me to take?' Tristan, there's nothing irresistable about me." I replied honestly, shaking my head slightly. "My dad was a crazy lunatic who thought he could be the only Alpha of the world, I'm not exactly gorgeous, or super slim, or-"

"What?" he replied indignantly. "Who said that?"

"I don't know. Some critics said it-"

"And you believe them." he stated, staring at me with his piercing eyes. "They're just people, Scar. People say things they don't mean. Don't listen."


"You are gorgeous, and I don't care what your scale shows. It doesn't matter to me if you're fat or thin, black, white, or brown, blonde, brunette, or redhead, super skinny or not, you are mine."

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