Chapter 19 - The Young Ones

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Tristan's POV

The fact that me and Scar had made up put a smile on my face that I couldn't remove although I still knew that what she was going through was hard and I couldn't say I understood. It must be so annoying to have someone constantly in your head and it was annoying me even more, knowing that Athena could go in and out of Scar's head and I couldn't.

I was still wondering how she managed to do it because this was a situation that I hadn't heard of ever before. This was new.

She just wants revenge on me murdering her mate but I can't say I regret it. But if she had murdered my mate, she wouldn't even be alive long enough so that I couldn't take revenge. Either that or I would slowly torture her, killing her from the inside, and that's exactly what she's doing now.

I felt pity for Scarlett.

She knew she was going to... go on, but I wanted to make the last two years of her life memorable. Not like this. Not with another chance of her dying.

I was not about to let the mate of a disgusting, crazy old man ruin mine.

The 13 year old girl, Kameira, was sitting down on the sofa with a glass of water on the table infront of her. Nicole was keeping her company. We both knew just how painful it was to be an orphans and Kameira is going to need all the support she needs when she's that young. She seemed like sweet girl, unlike the ones going around town trying to act like thugs, trying to act older than their age.

Nicole seemed different nowadays. More... I don't know. She was normally locked up in her room, or replying with a sarcastic remark but I would say that now she actually seems caring. I don't know what had changed but she seemed to come out of the dark place she always hid herself in. It was nice.

I realize now that after that fight with Scar, I needed to loosen up a bit. I was being too overprotective eventhough I had my reasons, she must feel so restricted by me. And she deserved the best, after hearing about when her death is due.

My thoughts wandered back to her face. Her almond-shaped eyes, hovering between dark blue and light green, had darkened into a bloodthirsty red colour. Her normally soft expressions had changed into something more aggressive, more... monster. The actions of her body had been more daring, filled with hatred and retaliation, challenging everything I say or do, unlike her gentle presence.

I could feel the connection between us slowly decease and I wanted to do something about it. I wanted to mate her.

But how could I? Knowing that I might kill her too?

My body just ached for her, it wanted her. Whenever she was around, I feel myself getting all hot and bothered yet she remained immune to my reaction. Even when we were having arguments, I just wanted her more. And whenever I closed my eyes, my urges as a man take over as I see the image of us mating, sadly knowing that that was a picture that would never be brought to life.

"Alpha?" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I turned around to face Daniel, my new beta. When I kicked Riley out, I had felt sad but relieved. It sounds harsh and mean but he was a burden to me. He never fought his own battles and expected me to do the work for him and out of kindness and competitive nature, I always made sure I won.

The position of beta was given to him not by me, but by Jonathan. The Alpha and Beta were suppose to have a strong friendship or a connection and me and Riley didn't have that at all. Jonathan had discreetly convinced me that Riley was up to it and because I was young, I guess I agreed because I didn't know what else to do. Jonathan wasn't an Alpha nor had any experience of being one, so there was no one to teach me how to lead a pack. I've been trying to learn by myself but it was hard, seeing that people were criticizing you everyday.

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