Chapter 25 - Distractions

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The next day, I woke up and took my medicines. Marissa injected something directly into my wound that made me scream my heart out, but she said it would help numb the pain for a few hours. I needed to do some work, made some progress, I just couldn't sit at the pack house acting as if everything was normal.

I decided to visit mom and Jamie. Who knew if they were safe or not?

Tyler, Derek and Sam, all accompanied me to my mom's house for protection in their red Mercedes. Now that I thought about it, mom and Jamie never had anything to do with the pack.  And Jamie was going to shift in a year, or maybe two if he was going to turn out like me.  We got out of the car and into the familiar surrounding. it was kind og awkward because I knew Riley and his family were next door.  I didn't know whether I was allowed to talk to Becky or not although nothing was stopping me. It would just be uncomfortable.

I knocked on the door and waited for my mom or Jamie to open up. I wasn't going to tell my mother about the stabbing incident, she would just worry even more and make me move back home.

I knocked again when no one answered after a few minutes, already knowing that something bad happened. There was an eerie silence and I found myself looking around for anything suspicious. My heart beat faster and I reached under the mat, my hand searching for the key I always kept under there but instead I found nothing. Just the feeling of the rough door mat.

I looked up at my old room's window, and noticed that it was closed. I frowned and looked around, the road was empty.

"What are you doing, Luna?" Sam shouted. "It's not good for your wound!"

I jumped from the wall of my house and Riley's higher and higher until I reached my window. Holding onto the handle, I pulled out a pin from my hair and tried to unlock it.

Tristan had taught me many tricks over our training sessions but this was one that I hadn't mastered yet. Praying silently, I twisted the pin in the way that Tristan had taught me until I heard a click. I let out a sigh of relief and pocketed the pin before crawling through the window

"Come in through here guys!" I called down at them.

As soon as I stepped inside the house, I knew something was wrong.

It was disturbingly quiet, the only sound was of the clock ticking. I looked around the room, Kara's room. It was normal, nothing looked wrong. I even search the area but found nothing.

"Why are we here?" Derek asked, confused.

"Because they're not here." I replied quietly. "And keep it down, we don't know what else is waiting for us either. "

Heart pounding, I reluctantly dragged my legs slowly towards the door. Something had gone wrong. Really wrong.

And with every step I took, instinct told me to walk away. I was afraid of seeing something my eyes and heart couldn't handle but I pulled the door back and walked into Jamie's room despite my reluctance.

A few stuff had been knocked over, the bed was messed up but I searched the room anyway like I had with Kara's and there, on the floor, there were drops of blood.

Jamie's blood.

I walked out the room in a daze, my heart pounding fast.

"Jamie!" I shouted. No reply. "Mom! Kara!"

"Wait!" Sam whisper-shouted. "Let's check if the coast is clear first!"

I rushed downstairs, my long hair grazed my face as I stared around in a panic. On the floor, there was more blood, the vase near the door had fallen down and broken, and my eyes widened, thinking who had done this. I ran into the living room; mom's notes were scattered around the room, the phone was crushed into pieces on the floor and that's when I noticed the writing on the wall.

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