Chapter 10 - Destiny Cheated On Us

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I got up from the hospital bed and walked towards the glass, I frowned when I reached it. The room was too white, everything was too bright, I hated it. I lightly touched the glass and stared blankly at Tristan who was sitting in a chair and staring at me sadly. I didn't like to see him sad like this, it hurt me. I looked down at myself, I was wearing a white hospital gown and I had tape stuck to the back of my hand. I looked at it in surprise. Injections?

My brain was all fuzzy. Had someone kidnapped me? Did they drug me?

I looked around in confusion, frowning at the unfamiliar surroundings. My eye caught onto Tristan's figure beyond the wall of glass. Now that I looked around properly, the walls were made out of glass. I felt so exposed and revealed, feeling tiny in the vast space that I was standing weakly in. My eyes flickered from wall to wall, taking in the doctors holding clipboards and chatting, people observing me, people walking about their daily lives, I felt like an outsider staring at the world. I felt isolated in this huge room, with the bed as my only companion. I felt contaminated in this pure white room.

Scar... I heard my wolf groan inside my head. Her voice was so feeble as if she was trying so hard to speak.

What is it? Are you okay? I replied back, concern coating my voice.

Tristan... His name was all I heard from her before she did something so remarkable, I was astounded by her potential. Suddenly, it was as if I had frozen. My body was still standing but I stood still. My eyes widened, and it felt like something inside of my body was sucking me in, forcing me to leave my original state and drive me into another unknown form.

I was my wolf but everything was different. No. That wasn't it. Everything was changing about me.

In this body, it was as if my wolf and me were sharing the wolf form.

My paws were shaking, on the verge of collapsing but my legs were trying strongly to keep themselves up. I was in the dark.

What's going on? I asked, but there was no reply. I was very worried for my wolf. I didn't want to lose her.

Out of nowhere, it felt as if a very powerful force was upon me. It wasn't Tristan because this force had a sinister edge to it. It was pushing me down, making my paws quiver even more, forcing me to surrender to something dark and evil. Something was taking over me slowly, telling me, growling, commanding silently that I bow down.

I refused to give in. I would not bow down to anyone except for my Alpha.

Such a stubborn one... I heard someone mutter. I couldn't verify if it was a man or a woman but it was unrecognizable. Let's do this the hard way...

Memories, photos, videos of my memories were being played. But not just my memories. My most terrible, horrifying nightmares of memories. The ones that I pushed down and locked in a safe so deep into my mind, like a box of junk that must never be opened. One by one they were being watched by myself while I heard laughter in the background. They were being switched from one to the other, some were longer than the others.

"I'll always be here for you Scar." I watched my six-year old self sit on my dad's lap, staring into his blue-green eyes. "Daddy's going nowhere."

"I hate you!" my mom cried out, throwing anything that reached her hands at my father. "I hate you and your pack! I hate the way you always go out and come home drunk! I hate how you expect me to clean up after you! I don't want to do your dirty work anymore! Just leave me alone! I thought you were Andrew Smith but you're not. You're something else. You are not the man I fell in love with."

"Don't you ever talk to me like that." my dad spat, clutching at her throat with enraged eyes. "I am the Alpha."

"I don't... care..." my mom replied bravely with the same amount of hatred.

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