Chapter 8 - Typical

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"Our species began long ago." he said. "There were 3 types of werewolves but only two proper races. The Pure breed and the Immoral breed. The other type are rogues. Every werewolf is born, never bitten. The Pure breed of werewolves are normal, they eat human food, they can hunt prey, they're in a pack and they follow the law of the werewolves. Rogues are werewolves that have lost their mates, the ones that live are aggressive and get upset at the slightest of things, they make marks on their victim because they can't do it on their mates, by making a mark, they are saying that that is their territory, it's sad really. It's like they don't want to lose anyone again. You can tell someone's a rogue from how their eyes are red."

Victoria walked into the room carrying a tray of cookies and milk. I felt a smile creep up onto my face; I hadn't seen that in a long time. The cookies and milk I mean.

"Feel free to eat, guys. Sorry, we didn't have anything else." she said sheepishly, smiling as she set it down on the table. "Becky."

She passed Becky 3 cookies and a glass of milk as she began to munch on it straight away.

"Tristan, Scar." she said, offering the plate up to his.

"Oh, no thanks." I replied. Tristan just shook his head at her and looked away. She put the plate back down on the table.

"The Immoral breed questioned everything and they soon strayed away from the natural ways of our survival." Jonathan continued. "They can be mistaken for rogues because they are really similar, but they don't mark their victims, instead they drink their blood. This is where vampires were born. Vampires don't exist, they are just another name for the Immoral breed, but they don't have pale skin either, or sleep in coffins, or burn in sunlight, anything. Vampires are myths, and some are said to be travelling independently but Immoral packs are closer than Pures. You can spot an Immoral by their eyes. They're maroon, which is why they get mistaken for rogues. Immorals also somehow have young looks no matter how old they get."

"So, the Pure breed and the Immoral breed don't... talk to eachother?" I asked.

Jonathan hesitated, thinking for a minute.

"There's been a war going on for ages." he finally said. "It's kind of like what going on in Jerusalem."

"But what are they fighting for?" I questioned him.

"Each thinks that the way they live is the right way, they want power, to change the rest of the werewolf world." he said.

"Oh." I replied. They say that money is the source of all evil but I disagree. Power was a lethal weapon to use. Everyone wanted it. 

"Tristan, what did you want to ask me?" he said. Tristan didn't say anything for a while. He just stared at Jonathan for a few minutes, something passing through both of their eyes, before replying.

"I have a sister." he said. "Don't I?"

The colour rushed from his face, Jonathan looked pale and sickly as he stared at Tristan who looked determined, his eyes widened.

"Why-why would you think that?" he stuttered, sipping from the glass of milk.

"I met her yesterday." Tristan replied calmly. "Don't worry. She denied it too."

I knew he was close to exploding, but Tristan had more self-control than I gave him credit for.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." he lied, making Tristan growl at him.

"Don't lie to me, I'm sick and tired of it. You never answer my questions. Riley, get me a laptop." he ordered. Riley dashed upstairs and in a blur, he was back, giving the laptop to Tristan. He switched it on, and went online. I saw him type in 'Nicole Adams' and he got a picture of her before showing it to Jonathan. "I smelt her scent. It was different somehow. Familiar."

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