Chapter 11 - Break Through

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Scar's POV

"What the hell?!" I screamed, spitting out my cookie. "What did you put in this? Mud?!"

"Maybe for you." Nicole replied, narrowing her eyes.

"Ugh." I answered back, grabbing my bag. "I'm leaving."

"Thank god for that." she said while I glared at her before turning to Tristan.

"Bye." I said in a much softer voice, leaning closer to kiss him before I stopped myself, remembering that I couldn't. "Right. I'll just... go."

"Bye." he replied, taking a hand out of his pocket before awkwardly waving at me. "Do you want me to come to the fashion show?"

"No." I mumbled. "I'll be fine."

"Do you want me to drop you off?"

"No." I repeated, more irritated. I walked out the door and got into my car, slamming the door harder than usual. I drove to where the fashion show was being held and got out, walking through the back door. This non-touching thing was stressing me out big time, and getting on my nerves.

"Come on, hurry up." Dylan said. Dylan was some sort of personal assistant, kind of. "Here's your first dress."

"Thanks." I replied. I changed into the dress and went back to him where he pulled the end down so that everything straightened out, he seated me down onto a chair and they got to work on my face. I couldn't even be bothered to see what they doing. I was so depressed. It's been about 5 days since I have touched Tristan back in the hospital and it's killing me, not being able to show him my love.

I just wanted to atleast give him a hug. My insides felt so cold when we weren't touching. I regretted touching him before all these problems came up, and not cherishing the momemt. I missed the sparks when we touched, the heat rushing through my veins when we kissed, the vulnerability of my body being pressed against his hard one, letting myself surrender to his dominance, letting myself being controlled by the man I loved.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked, as soon as I stood up and waited for my turn.

"Fantastic." I replied carelessly. I smoothed the dress a little before walking out on stage with a zoned-out, bored expression. I walked down the aisle, moving my hips left to right to the beat of the cool music that was playing in the background. I could feel all eyes on me as I walked towards the front, I could see people writing down opinions, compliments, criticism, improvements and notes. I wasn't supposed to be making eye contact with anyone but it was hard because I was curious about the people examining me. My heart did a roll as I turned around and walked back.

I quickly changed into my next outfit, a black leather jacket, a simple top, skinny jeans and stiletto boots. Something Nicole would wear. I went back outside, focusing on putting one leg infront of the other while looking straight forward with an intense look in my eye.

I did a pose of putting both my hands on my hips at the end and swiftly turned back to where I came from.

There were a few more collections to show and the show finally ended. I dressed in my normal clothes and went out the back door again, not talking to anyone. It was quite dark out as I got into my car and drove back home, my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey." Tristan replied.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, just making sure you're alright."

"I'm fine." I said.

"Are you sure?" I really didn't like people worrying themselves about me but Tristan was always different, I don't know why I get so touchy these days.

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