Chapter 21 - Sacrifice

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It's your fault, Scar.

Carter's face taunted me in my head, his emerald eyes brighter than when he was alive. His face was leaned over mine, a bit of his hair tickled my forehead.

Now that Tristan's gone, you're mine now.

His cold finger stroked my cheek, making me shut my eyes tightly, trying to wake myself up. I could feel his breath my fan face as I tried to disappear. I needed Tristan. What does he mean Tristan's gone?

Your prince charming isn't here to save you now, princess.

I flashed my eyes open. Princess. Princess is what Tristan called me. Carter had no right to call me that.

I shoved him off me and it worked because he wasn't expecting it, and looked at where I was. There were people surronding me, some faces I didn't even know, and it seemed that as soon as I pushed Carter off me, he had turned into dust. Then I realized that the order of people standing around wasn't just random. There were split into two groups.

Even there were some people I didn't recognize, there were two unknown faces that seemed familiar somehow. There were two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, who were both giving me deathly looks. By the looks of it, they obviously were a couple. The man had dark golden brown hair with sapphire coloured eyes, eyes that looked icy and dangerous. A man with a raging anger, like a tornado that never stops destroying, yet there was something behind the coolness of his eyes that almost seemed kind-hearted.

The woman had chocolate brown hair and hazel brown eyes that looked green and blue at the same time. They were more sad than angry because they were moist with tears but she tried hard to hold it together. I felt pity for this woman, eventhough I had no idea who she was. Her features were soft and motherly but there was still something fixed about it. She looked like a steady, calm, patient person despite her cold partner.

That's when it hit me.

Why they looked so familiar.

They were Tristan's parents.

"You killed my son." the man said harshly, staring at me, suprising me with the tears in his eyes.

I... I had killed Tristan?

"It's your fault, Scar." I heard Nicole say quietly. "He died because of you."

"No! No, I didn't kill him! I didn't do it!" I shouted, tears in my eyes, the accusations were too much. "Tristan's still here! I can feel him!"

"You're not mates anymore." Carter stated coldly. "You can't feel him. He's dead."

"You're evil, Scarlett." a whisper creeped into my ear. I covered my ears with my hands, clutching them tightly while thrashing my head side to side, tears splashing all over my face, in an attempt to deny the false allegations.

Sweat clung onto my forehead as I woke up, Tristan stirred and woke up next to me. He had decided to sleep here since the touching thing was just a false alarm, and he wanted to make sure I was doing okay.

"Are you okay?" he mumured in the dark. I put my head in my hands, as if the weight of my skull and brain was too much.

"Yeah..." I said hoarsely after a minute or two.

"Want to tell me what happened? I was having a great dream."

"No." I mumbled. "Tell me yours. Distract me."

"I can distract you in other ways too..."


"What?" he said.

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