Chapter 20 - Quick Reaction

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After shopping and buying Kara some new clothes, I decided to go for dinner seeing as it was quite late already and we were all hungry. I texted Tristan to meet us up at a nearby restaurant before we all walked inside. We found a quiet place in the corner and sat down. Jamie was sitting next to me but opposite Kara which really made me want to roll my eyes. She must think he was such a creep.

Since her dad had just died, I'm sure she would want a bit of personal space.

"Hi, may I take your order?" a pretty waitress asked me.

"No thank you, not yet. We're just waiting for someone." I replied.

"Okay, let me know." she said, walking off.

"I'm just going to wait outside for Tristan." I said, acknowledging Jamie's nod before leaving the restaurant. I was actually going to wait outside so that he saw me. I don't think he knew the way here. I stood outside the restaurant, looking around as I fiddled with my phone. It started to ring and I quickly picked it up.


"Hey, I'm near this old fish and chips shop." he replied. "I'm not sure, but where exactly are you?"

I gave him the description of the restaurant but after a little more talking, we figured it was best if I just go to him. He described where he was and I think I knew his location. I hung up and started walking towards where he was. It was really dark but there were people around which was helpful. If something were to happen, people would be around to see it.

But as I walked on, the streets became more deserted and if people did come, it was men smoking or something. My hands moved around in my pockets, clutching my keys as a source of a weapon in case anything were to happen. I looked around me suspicously as I walked down the street, feeling as if someone was watching me. I turned around but no one was there.

I started thinking about Athena. She had said that people couldn't hurt her without hurting me. This made things even more confusing. If people were trying to kill me and Tristan, my first thought went to Athena as she seemed like the most likely person who would harm us... but if people wanted to kill me, and they were Athena's 'followers', surely they wouldn't want to hurt her too?

I never even thought of Athena having followers.

But anyway, that ruled out Athena and her potential followers. So who exactly was trying to kill us?

Something grabbed my wrist from my right and I gasped, being pulled into a dark alleyway by an unknown person. I looked at the person infront of me as she took down her hood and stared at me coldly.

"Well, hello." she hissed.

"You." I said quietly. It was that girl with the jet black hair. At the party. The one that glared at me, the one that I had thought to be one of Tristan's many admirers.

"The one and only." she smirked.

"What do you want?" I demanded, pulling away from her and glaring.

"What do you think?" she shot back.

"I don't know, a shrink maybe?" I said icily.

"Huh. Funny." she stepped towards me but she was shorter. "I want Tristan."

"Too bad he's mine." I said possessively, taking a step forward.

"He doesn't need you." she said, narrowing her eyes at me. "He needs me. Me and him are perfect for eachother, you're just in the way of us."

"He doesn't even know you." I growled, glaring. "Leave us alone."

"He loves me. Not you. We're going to be together forever!" she exclaimed like a crazy person.

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