Chapter 31 - Love and Lust

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Scar's POV

"Give me one day." he pleaded, his eyes looking at me with hope.

"Are you planning on mating me?" I asked smoothly.

"No." he replied, knowing that was the answer that would make me close the conversation.

"Then no." I said, surprised by my strength.

"I'm taking you out tonight." he said decidedly, standing up.

"You are?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes." he smiled. "And I'm asking permission to kiss you tonight."

"We'll see." I smiled at the sound of his groan.

"I promise I'll be a gentleman about it, okay?" he promised in a forced voice. "I'll try not to undress you everytime we kiss."

"Sure you will." I rolled my eyes.

"You know what? I don't need to beg you." he heaved himself off the bed and looked at me. "Tonight, you won't be able to resist me."

"Right." I scoffed.

"Doesn't this effect you at all?" he asked.

"I'm used to not getting what I want." I shrugged. "I didn't even get mated when you know my days are numbered."

"Okay, okay, don't make me feel bad." he raised his arms up in surrender and walked away. "Do you think you're the only one who can play at this little contest?"

"What contest?" I smirked.

"Fine." he smirked back. "We'll see who wins first."

"I think it's already clear."

"By the way... guess what?"


"We think we found a new lead to where your mom, Jamie, and Kara are." he smiled and I instantly sat up, alert.

"Where?" I said, looking at him wide-eyed.

"Are you going to kiss me now?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Shut up and tell me!" I demanded urgently.

"Kiss me." he ordered.

"This is serious!" I replied but he insisted and lowered down his cheek towards my lips. I sighed and kissed his cheek but he turned his face at the last minute and I ended up kissing his lips and from that small touch, I felt electricity being powered through my body but I pulled away almost as I soon as it started.  "Tristan!"

"I think they're in Italy too." he chuckled. "I thought I smelt Jamie's scent near-"

"Where? Come on, let's go there now!" I shouted, grabbing his hand but he stood rooted to tbe spot no matter how hard I pulled.

 "We've already checked the entire city, nothing was found Scar." he said seriously.

"What does that mean then?" I asked slowly and he moved closer to me hesitantly.

"To tell you the truth, I think..." he said, looking down while placing his hand on my arm. "I think they're dead."

I froze. My heart stopped beating.

And after that moment, it seemed like everything was rushing back to me. All the memories and laughter, all the fights and troubles, and I knew that I had left my mom too soon. I had left my baby brother without knowing what help he had, and I had left him without thinking because I had been too blinded by love. I had thought that I had deserved this, to be with Tristan, because throughout all the problems, that's what I was aiming for.

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