Chapter 7 - The Rebel

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"What?" I asked flatly, not believing what I was hearing.

"She's my sister." he replied calmly, letting go of Nicole. Her light brown hair was messy as it cascaded down her shoulders in long waves, her greeny brown eyes showing alarm and fear. But no denial. Did she believe him? Or did she already know?

I didn't even know she was werewolf because of how her scent smelt back when I was doing photoshoots, but now when I smelt her, I could tell she was pure werewolf.

"No I'm not." she said, her eyes changed emotion. They were now showing calmness, but she was hiding something. I could tell. She's been mean to me ever since we first met... but now that I thought about it... was there a reason? I didn't like her, and she didn't like me but I couldn't deny that she was stunning.

"Yes, you are." he growled, turning back his back to me to look at her. "I can smell you. Your scent, it's different."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you've have too much to drink." she lied, trying to get away from him but he gripped her shoulders, leaning down to look at her directly in the eyes.

"Why are you refusing to believe me?" he asked. Her eyes flickered to my figure, firing up something inside of me and before I knew it, we were glaring and wanting to hit eachother.

"What do you want, redhead?" she snapped. I growled at her louder, moving closer, and so was she, but Tristan was holding both of us back.

"What's going on?" Tristan demanded, looking between us. We just stared at eachother with hatred and both backed off. I looked at both of them, trying to figure out the similarities, they both had piercing, intense, brown eyes, but hers was half green. Her hair was lighter than his, but their eyebrows were really similar, so were their cheekbones. But she was so mean, and he wasn't. What the hell?!

"Tristan, what's happening?" I replied, raising my voice. "She's your sister?!"

Tristan looked at me for a little while before he turned to her.

"You're my sister." he said, as if he just realized it. He suddenly flung his arms around her and hugged her tight. "I have a sister!"

Her eyes looked shocked over his shoulder and her body was rigid. I suddenly felt a wave of jealousy rush over me, she was just his sister, why am I so jealous? Maybe it's because I haven't seen him touch a girl other than me. Her face softened for a split-second before, she pushed him away roughly.

"What are you doing?!" she screamed.


"Get away from me! I am not your sister, you freak!" she shouted at him.

I smirked, knowing that she had crossed the line.

His eyes grew darker and he clutched her wrist tightly, growling lowly.

"Don't speak to me like that." he demanded quietly with a dangerous tone.

"I don't have to listen to you." she snarled back weakly. "You are not my Alpha."

"No, but I am your brother." he replied back. "And now, you are in my pack."

"You can't do that!"

"I just did." he said smugly.

There was a silence in which she struggled to get away from him, but he was just lazily holding her with one hand.

"Um, does this mean it's over, Nicole?" the guy from the floor squeaked.

"Leave!" Tristan shouted at him, and I moved away to give him space as he ran out the door.

"Well," Nicole started, flipping her hair back with her head. "Since you ruined my evening, I suggest you let me go."

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