Chapter 29 - Temptation

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His kisses were soft and gentle against my lips, and even with my eyes closed, I sensed the Italian sun touching us. My fingertips were grazing the stubble on his cheek before they ran through his hair, his arms were wrapped around me but his hand rested on the door I was leaning against. I felt so relaxed and it's only been a day.

No one had attacked us and we decided to lay down low anyway. Ronaldo's friends were cool, most were a lot older than us but he did have a few younger friends. Like this girl, Maria, she was around 21 and so cool, she may be my new best friend.

I still think of Lizzie as my best friend but I don't think she looks at me the same way anymore... not after Carter. I had no idea what he had done to her but she seemed to have changed after the whole incidence. She tried to avoid me in school, all of them did, except for Daniel.

I got an odd feeling inside of me when I thought back to them but I pushed it aside.

I continued to kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck while he kissed me back casually yet passionately against the door. I loved this kiss, it was just so stress free and cool. Well, he's never given me a kiss that I've never liked.

The silence in the air was broken by a shrill noise that was his phone. We sprung apart and I looked up at him through my eyelashes shyly while wiping my mouth as he smirked at me while getting his phone.

"Hello?" he answered. "Oh. Okay... I'll be there in... half an hour. Bye."

"Who was that?" I asked biting my bottom lip, preparing myself if he had to go again for something busy.

"That was Ronaldo." he said, looking at me directing in the eye. "I think this is important."

"Oh." I felt my posture and heart decrease in energy. "Well, when will you be back?"

"You're coming with me this time." he said smiling and pulling me close.

"What?" I replied with a surprised tone as I put my hand on his chest. "Isn't that like illegal in the werewolf world?"

"Illegal?" he laughed.

"Yeah, you know, taking a woman out to some place dangerous..." I exaggerated. He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs.

"Come on, get dressed." he said as he pushed me into the room. "Don't worry, I won't watch."

I sent him a look when he raised up his hands in surrender.

"Not when you're looking anyway." he mumbled.


We arrived at the place Ronaldo had told us to come which turned out to be in the middle of nowhere. It was in the country though and there were just a few cottages around where the woman who got water from the taps outside gave us curious, yet emotionless looks. I didn't only see curiosity in her eyes though... I saw fear.

I sat down on the uncomfortable, hard rock and looked around through my dark shades. It was so hot out here and I regretted wearing my jeans today, I was sweating like I was trapped in a volcano. My thighs felt all sticky and big and my hair was annoying me. No matter which way I flipped it to or moved it, it still irritated me.

"Hey, this isn't one of your photoshoots, okay?" he said, staring down at me as I posed in different ways to block the sun and flipped my hair over to get some wind on my neck.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes at him eventhough he couldn't see. "Where's Ronaldo?"

"I don't know, he said he'd be here." he replied, nudging me over so that he sat next to me on the small space the rock provided. I was getting too hot and bothered so I got up off the rock and ran my fingers through my hair, fanning myself. "Wow, you get hot way too easily."

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