Chapter 1 - Tristan

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I carried the heavy box, being careful not to trip over as I stepped up the stairs on the front porch to the front door. I walked through and set the box on the ground before putting both hands on my hips and sighing, looking around. Since I was 18 now, I was moving in with Tristan, seeing as I just couldn't live with my mom anymore. We had already moved most of the stuff and these were the last boxes. She kept on apologising over and over again, and yes, I did forgive her, but I think it's better if I live with Tristan for now.

Of course, we would visit her and Jamie. But I was just waiting for Tristan to get his new house. Since he took up Andrew's title, he's the strongest and the most powerful Alpha, which meant he got an even better house than Andrew. We didn't want a bigger house than Andrew because that would just be too complicated. I remember going through the corridors, searching for Tristan... I shuddered.

I understood now that whichever Alpha was ranked the highest were considered royal in the werewolf world, well, the Alpha, his mate, and their family. You see, the ways of the world I was now royal to, worked differently than the human world. You didn't need 'blue blood'. So, I was always royal in the werewolf world because of Andrew and now Tristan.

We were just moving our stuff today and I had said goodbye to my family to start a new part of my life with Tristan.

"Hey." a deep, masculine voice said behind of me, making me turn around and find myself face to face with a very attractive, young man.

"Hi." I replied, grinning.

"I'll tell the others to get this stuff in, come with me." he took my hand and gently lead me upstairs. This place was so fancy, yet comfortable, it didn't have a cold atmosphere to it like Andrew's did, instead it had a very homely feeling to it. The wall was a creamy white with small lamps fixed onto the sides, it would only light our way through the dark at night. It was dim now, which meant that the night was approaching, but since it was summer, it took longer for the sun to go down.

I let him pull me through the corridors, and he stopped at the end of the corridor before turning to me. "This is our room."

He opened the door with his other hand, leaving me to gasp and walk through with a shock expression plastered onto my face.

The first thing that my eyes saw was the huge, king-sized bed, the sheets were a light beige contrasting with the blood red duvet, which might I say, looked so soft and silky that I just wanted to cuddle up inside it. The pillows were the same light beige as the sheets but they had embroidery on them, the same colour as the red duvet.

The room was gorgeous and spacy, the furniture was beige as well, standing on top of the red carpet that spread out under my feet. The walls were beige too and everything matched up, which was great. There were three, long windows, and if you opened them, it would take you to the balcony, giving you a clear view of the fresh forest and the sea beyond it.

We were kind of a long way away from my mom and Jamie, because now, Tristan owned what Andrew had as well as his original land, which is a lot.

"Wow." I said quietly, staring at everything in amazement. "It's beautiful."

"Yeah, it is." he replied, looking straight at me with a hand in his pocket, leaning against the door frame. He was wearing dark blue jeans, not too baggy but not too tight, and a black shirt, which clung onto his perfectly sculptured muscles, making his shoulders look more broader and even more intimidating. His coffee brown hair was messy and tousled and the stubble on his chin, the lower half of his cheek and the few hairs on his mustache made him look sexy. I smiled at him and jumped onto the bed.

My modelling career was a big hit, and Tristan was even busier with his Alpha work, whatever he does.

I wanted to mate him more than ever but he always somehow stopped it before it went too far, which made me frustrated to no end. I wanted him to own me, to claim me, I wanted the feeling of him inside of me... but I was too embarrassed to confront him about it.

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