Chapter 24 - Fear Against Strength

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All I could remember was being there alone. Blood was flowing out of my wound and I had lost all hope as I lay there naked, in the cold forest that I always felt safe in. My lungs felt like an invisible hand was squeezing them and I struggled to breath, but I couldn't move. I couldn't feel my arms or legs anymore, and my sight was slowly disappearing.

I must look a right sight. A knife stuck into my stomach, dark, red blood oozing out of the cut where my flesh had been cut into, my fingers occasionally twitching, indicating the little life left in me. I must look like the ideal magnet for Immorals. What if they smelt my blood and followed me here?

As the birds chirped and sang around me, it was almost peaceful. Birds were so free.

Maybe if I'd been a bird, life would have been easier.

All I could think about was Tristan. All the things I should've said, all the things I never said. How I hated myself, and promised myself that if I ever got out of this alive, I would make myself not regret a single thing if I ever came close to dying. What a shame it was to be dying like this though, alone. And how ironic it was to be dying alone without the person you would die for.

I thought about how Tristan and I never had a chance at life, but at this moment, I had never wanted to live so badly. When you realize you're dying, you start appreciate life, wishing you could have made the right choices at the right time, but life doesn't give second chances, and no matter who we are, we all make mistakes.

The more pain you go through, the stronger you are.

My eyes closed and I saw a brief picture of when I saw Tristan outside the restaurant where we met. Dark, dangerous, and sexy.

My lips twitched into a smile, despite the situation and my heart grew fainter.

I just wanted to tell Tristan I loved him. I just wanted to hug him.

To kiss him just one more time.

I didn't want my lips to be last kissed by the crazy girl who killed me.

Tears leaked out of the corner of my eyes as I realized the world would now be shadowed in darkness. The Immorals will take over, Tristan will be weakened without me and we will never be able to have the child we always wanted. Not even a sliver of a chance left in the world for us now.

So this was what it felt like to die... this was what I was predicted to experience in two years time.

Guess it came sooner than planned.

Hold on tight, little solider. I heard his voice quietly say in my head. Where the hell was it coming from? No... this is it. This was my time.

Tristan? I asked mentally.

The one and only.

How... how-

Save it for later, ma cherie. It's time for you to go to sleep.

Tristan... am I dead?

I would never allow that to happen. He demanded in my head.

I love you. I wish we could have spent just one more day together, without any problems, just us two. You have no idea how much I-

No, don't you do that Evans. Don't you say your goodbyes to me just yet.

I may never have the chance to again.

You'll be fine. His voice was going quieter and quieter in my head. Go to sleep.

My eyes flashed open as the high, white ceiling came into view. Everything was blurry as I groggily looked around, seeing vague figures walking around me. I tried to sit up but as soon as I did, I let out a pained cry which caused me slide back down quickly, my hands wondering near the pain. I blinked frantically before squinting at my hand, rubbing my fingertips together, feeling a warm substance between them.

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