Chapter 16 - Sibling Rivalry

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My stepmother?

I completely forgot about that slag Andrew brought home. If Andrew was her mate, and Tristan killed him... then this woman was a rogue. The more I looked at her, the more she was scaring me. Her eyes were so dark and large, the horror of them seemed to stand out of her pale face, making her confident stance yet thin figure seem so intimidating.

He was pressing the blade of the dagger onto the soft of my flesh, fear, shock and confusion all ran through my blood, making my heart pound fast. He won't hurt me, he won't hurt me...

I kept on reassuring myself but I knew there was a possibilty that he might. The woman had her hands reached out to me, a mask of shock on her face.

"You wouldn't." she snarled. He glared at her and pressed the blade deeper into my skin so that beads of blood emerged from the line of the cut. I gasped and started to breath heavily. He had hurt me. I felt my hand grip his coat behind me for support, but the evidence was trickling down my neck. "I will be back, soldier, and when I do, you better be ready."

And with that, she ran off into the night, her figure faded into the darkness.

Tristan waited a few more seconds before he took the blade away from me but my knees failed and gave up under me as I crashed into the ground. He caught me before I fell and steadied me. I looked into his eyes, knowing now that he wasn't possessed. I pushed him away from me, also realizing that I could touch him but not his bare skin.

"What the hell?!" I shouted at him before reaching up and feeling the hot blood running down my neck. "What were you thinking?"

"It was the only way." he said simply.

"It was the only way?! You-!" I stomped away from him before saying anything I might regret later, feeling him follow me already.

"I understand now." he said calmly, walking beside me as if nothing had happened. "You and her are connected more than we are."

I didn't talk to him, I was still feeling the blood on my throat where he had cut me lightly.

"Come here, I can fix that." he stopped and before I could complain, he leaned down and pressed his lips to my throat. I was so shocked, I didn't react, I thought he couldn't touch me.

"Wha-I-kissing it won't help, Tristan!" I managed to say.

"I'm not kissing it, princess." he mumbled. I felt his tongue run over the cut, making my body shiver and fall limp like putty in his hands as he held me against him.

"Then what are you-"

"I'm healing you." he cut me off. "I'm going to ask you something, and you have to promise to tell the truth, okay?"

"I promise." I said.

"Has anything weird been happening with your wolf?" he asked seriously, staring into my eyes as his hands went into my hair, holding my face close. He was touching me, how was he touching me? His fingertips sent shocks throughout my whole body, bringing my once cold heart back to life.

"How are you touching me?" I asked.

"Concentrate." he replied, growling lowly. "Answer my question."

"Um, yeah." I shook my head slightly. "In the hospital... I was... I don't know how to explain it. I was... sucked inside myself? It was like me and wolf were sharing eachother, in the wolf form. Some thing, some kind of dark power was pushing down on me, and I tried not to give in but I heard a voice. I think... wait, I forgot..."

"Remember." he urged me.

"I think... I think it said 'let's do this the hard way' or something, and then there were all these memories. My worst memories." I explained.

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