Chapter 15 - Ambushing Nightmares

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I stepped out of the airport; exposing myself to the glaring sun. Tristan followed sulkily behind me, he was thinking about what he had done, the consequences. I reassured him but I wasn't so sure myself. It was around 6 in the evening in Spain and it was really hot. We arrived at the hotel and checked in silently before going up to our room. We didn't talk as we left our baggage to a side and I collapsed on the bed.

I took my shoes off, and lay on the bed, closing my eyes tiredly. I felt the bed sink down next to me as he lay down beside me. We couldn't touch eachother anymore, and my heart felt empty like I was deprived of the will to live. I felt his gaze set on me as my eyes sleepily closed.

12 hours later, I was getting ready to go to my photoshoot for a famous Spanish magazine. I was excited about this one, I wonder how the Spanish photoshoot would be different from the one I had in France and my normal photoshoots. Photoshoots for me were like playing major dress up. It's important that you get good sleep the night before; your skin needed to be nice and moisturized, no bags under your eyes, although a little makeup could fix that. Being a model, you needed a healthy lifestyle.

I don't know how Nicole does it.

"What are you going to go today?" I asked as I dressed up. "Are you planning to go anywhere?"

"I don't know..." he mumbled huskily. When I had woken up, I found him sleeping on the floor, a precaution. He didn't take the risk to sleep in the same bed as me, worried he might touch me. I had woken him up to tell him to sleep on the bed.

"I have to go now, Tristan." I replied, somehow desperately trying zipping my dress up without his help. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." he said, rubbing his eyes. "I'll see you when you get back."

"Yeah..." I muttered, sitting on the bed where he was sleeping. I wanted to kiss him goodbye but I knew there would be a whole load of crap if I did. I clenched my fists at my sides, trying to control myself. "See you."

I found the will to get out and into the heat of Spain. There were a lot of fans out, I even saw people who hadn't realize I was here, run over to me until they formed a huge crowd. I flashed a smile at all of them and got escorted into the taxi. I got in before telling the driver where to go. Spain was just as beautiful as France but whereas France had a more elegant and classy look, Spain was exotic and hot. He stopped the car and I payed him before getting out. I walked down the pavement towards the word 'estudio'. I heard some wolf whistles and glanced in the direction they were coming from with a disapproving frown.

There were a group of Spanish men around their mid-twenties. They were mildly good-looking but nothing compared to Tristan. The thought of him made my heart ache and I tried not to think about it too much. I stepped into the studio and went to the reception, checking myself in. She told me where to go and I followed her instructions and stepped into another room.

They made me wear this baggy t-shirt that reached my midthighs before making me stand infront of a gray screen while some people positioned me. A woman reapplied my lipgloss and after I said thanks, I posed for the camera. They had pulled one sleeve of the t-shirt down and I gave the innocent, shy girl look at the camera like the photographer had told me to. I took a few more photos in the baggy t-shirt, biting my lip, fiddling with my clothes and all that, but then I changed into a blue dress. They tied my hair up into a French bun and told me to look casual.

They even gave me a bubble blower and I blew through it, getting excited about what came out. I even did mistakes on purpose just to keep blowing, we were all having a good time, a perfect mixture of fun and serious.

I took around one and a half hours doing more photos and drank some water.

I put on my final piece; dark emerald green lingerie with suspenders and black pumps. This was the photo that I was most nervous and felt kind of uncomfortable about. I personally didn't want to do it but at these times, I didn't want to seem unprofessional for this famous Spanish magazine. One of these pictures were probably going to be on the cover.

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