Chapter 2 - Free Will

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I put my dress back into place and tidied my hair up before walking towards Tristan who was now crushing the camera into pieces with his hand. I put a hand on Tristan's back but it only helped him calm down a little bit, I realized that the guy's ladder had fallen down and Tristan's fist was the only thing holding him up.

Tristan, let him go.

I tried to reason with him mentally while staring sympathetically at the desperation in the camera man's apologetic eyes.

No. Do you know what would've happened if he had released those pictures? We would have been disgraced and embarrassed.

So it's just all about your reputation, is it? I asked him mentally with an edge, but glared at him in reality while he looked at me sideways, much more calmer.

No, I didn't mean it like that. His voice was much more softer and gentler that he accidently let go off of the guy and turned to me. I looked over at the guy and realized that he was safe, but then I also noticed that there were thousands of reporters all flashing cameras at us. And they were all just the werewolves. The scents told me so, which made me think that maybe it wasn't just a coincidence that they were here at the same time after all.

I squinted my eyes at the bright flashes and went back inside with Tristan. I put my high heels on and applied some eyeliner as he put on his blazer, then we both walked downstairs.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked, already making some.

"Yeah..." he hesitated. "Sorry... about... you know... before."

I looked up at him while adding the milk and smiled.

"It's fine." I replied, stirring in both of the mugs. I never really got angry at him.. "By the way, I'm free tomorrow."

"Oh." he took the mug of coffee I offered him. "I have this huge meeting tomorrow."

"Can I come?" I asked, hopefully, sipping my coffee.

"You already are." he answered back.


"Everyone is coming. Every Alpha of the country, every Luna, and their pack. Since we are the most top-ranking, we're leading the whole thing."


"I invited your mom and Jamie earlier. How old is he again?"

"Uh..." I counted down the years. "Fourteen."

"He looks a lot older." I finished my coffee and drank some water. "Where do you want to go out for lunch?"

"I don't mind. I get off around 12:30, but then I have to go for another interview at around 7." I explained.

"Oh. I have a break at 1 o'clock. Can you wait there for half an hour?"

"I don't mind, but I'm going to be really late now." I said as he quickly put his coffee down and wrapped an arm around my waist as he opened the door to reveal thousands of reporters pouring in from every aspect of our view. He shut the door and locked it before holding me tight and protectively as we walked through the crowd.

"Scarlett Evans, how do you feel about children?"

"Tristan, would you like to get married?"

"You're so hot!"

"What is it like being the mate of the best Alpha in the world right now?"

Tristan and me pushed past all of them and got into his car but it was all crowded. He honked the horn several times and the police rushed to our aid, moving obsessive fans and reporters out of the way as he drove through the narrow road. In a few minutes, we had already stopped outside the studio where I was meant to be.

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