Satisfying The Alpha - Epilogue

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Tristan's POV

I sat down on the bed. Our bed. Her scent filled my head and made me dizzy, reaching into the pits of my stomach and deep down into my heart where her presence still lingered. Searching for her has stripped all the energy from my body but I still continued. The whole pack was in chaos when they found out and all of them were searching for their Luna but none were searching as much as I was for my mate.

Everyday without her felt like eternity, I miss her so much it was unbelievable. I miss her laugh, her smile, her voice. I miss the way she would run around getting ready for work and the way she would still get my clothes for me because I was lazy, I miss how easy it was to get her annoyed, I miss the way she always challenged me. I miss everything about her.

It's become a thing now. Coming home late, ignoring everyone around me, or if I come home earlier, I usually locked myself in our room. They tried to talk to me but I was not responding.

The sun was too bright against how dark the room had become so I pulled myself up slowly and dragged my legs over to the blinding light. I closed the curtains and stayed there for a few more seconds, enjoying the darkness I now lived in.

"Changed a lot without me, haven't you?" a haunting voice said beside me and I jumped at the figure that was smiling next to me. It was her, Scar. She looked so clear, her skin was fair and her cheekbones a little sharper than usual but brushed with a light pink colour, her eyes looked beautiful and my heart ached at the sight of the big blue-green orbs that were bordered by a ring of black. Her eyebrows were perfectly carved and her long hair was loose with natural curls that reached just under her breasts. Her petite frame was covered with that sea blue dress she had worn in France, which brought out the blue in her eyes.

"Scarlett." it came out as a hoarse whisper. I stumbled towards her but she laughed an angelic sound and put her hands on my chest. It made my heart accelerate even though I couldn't feel anything. "Where are you?"

"I'm right here." she smiled at me. "You look terrible."

"I need you." I whispered, leaning forward to kiss her. I wanted to feel her in my arms again, I just needed one more day with her, one hour, a minute, anything. She put her finger on my lips and smirked at me, making a strong feeling of both lust and heartache to grow inside of me.

"Look after yourself, Tristan." she said seriously, putting her hand on my cheek and looking up at me worriedly. I wrapped my hand around her wrist, and looked down at her caring face, wishing what I saw was real so much that my eyes moistened. She always worried about me too much.

"Tristan?" her figure disappeared into dust and even though I knew deep inside me that that was only a hallucination, I came to realization. I quickly sweeped my hands across my eyes before looking at the person who opened the door. The woman had closed the door behind her and gave me a warm smile almost as if she was asking if it was okay for her to step inside the room.

I ignored her and carried on staring at the dark curtains. I felt her walk up behind me and I immediately pulled my arm away when she tried to touch me like she was fire scalding my now delicate skin. I glanced at the hurt that I had caused to pass through her hazel eyes which she quickly tried to cover. She grabbed my arm and sat me down on the bed as I stared down at the ground, feeling a new emotion inside of me.

"I haven't seen you eat so I thought I would bring you food." she said, trying to make conversation but I didn't reply. "Were you crying?"

"No." I grunted in response to her soft voice. She didn't say anything for a while and we spent the time in an awkward silence.

"It'll be okay." she said, putting her hand on my shoulder and this time, I didn't jerk away. "You'll find her, sweetheart."

I swallowed at the sound of 'sweetheart'. Scar and I had pet names. I liked to call her 'ma cherie' but somehow 'princess' had always stuck on. I just couldn't find the voice to look at this woman in the face and call her mom.

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