Chapter 14 - Exclusive

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I wore a sea blue dress that ended at my knees, it wasn't really, really tight, but not exactly loose either. I wanted this trip to be just casual, I didn't want the paparazzi to find us, plus, I only had 2 more days in France and I only got to touch Tristan for one more day. I didn't wear any makeup and let my curls hang free.

I walked into the living room and saw that he was sitting down on one of the couches, staring at his phone. He had worn a white short sleeved t-shirt under a dark jade green shirt, which suited his fair-medium complexion. His dark brown hair looked great, as always, and it was so hard to believe that he was born a blonde, but then again, I was born a brunette.

"Werewolves' hair darken and change more." he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I thought you said that was your natural hair."

"It is." I replied. "I was just born with brownish auburn hair, it went weird as I grew older and how did you know I was thinking that? I thought you couldn't get into my head."

"We can still touch, remember?" he said.


He flashed me a smile and stood up, putting his phone in his pocket and making me notice that he had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. God, even his forearms were muscular.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Where are we going again?"

"I want to show you something." was all he said. He had done his Alpha work days ago and I was so glad because we would have some time together. I didn't know where we were staying but it was beautiful. I loved how all the streets looked so old-fashioned and the pavement was made out of pebbles. Everything was so healthy and green. I held onto his hand as we entered the train, took our seats, and waited for the train to start.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked again, earning a mysterious smile in reply, I sighed. "I'm glad the paparazzi haven't found us yet."

He kept on smiling before kissing me, his kiss made me feel light-headed eventhough it was a small, but intense one. His lips felt so soft and chocolatey and... french. I pulled back before could he make me head spin any further.

"You know Tristan," I muttered, fixing my gaze on his lips as he smirked down at me. "I don't think we should make out so much. One of us is bound to give into our lust sooner or later."

"Not if the other controls how much lust should be allowed." he said back.

"You think you can control me?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Alpha, remember?" he scoffed, pointing at himself.

"Don't get your priorities as my boyfriend mixed up with your priorities as Alpha." I crossed my arms across my chest, leaning back and resting my head.

"But what if the Alpha was your boyfriend?"



"Um, yeah?" I replied, feeling self-conscious as he set his intense gaze on me.

"Can I tell you something?"


"I love you."

"I love you too." I answered back in the same serious voice as I stared into his eyes. We stared at eachother some more before both of our faces cracked into a smile.

"You're so cheesy." he remarked with a grin as I punched his arm in disbelief.

"Shut up! I am not!" I laughed.

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