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"Don't flatter yourself"

Kylie River

I grabbed my suitcase and made my way to the Taxi, outside of the airport.

I can't believe that I'm actually doing this. Leaving everything behind me and starting a new life in a completely new city.

I am not much of an overthinker, but when I think about working for one of the biggest fashion industries in the world, I do get a little bit nervous.

My friends kept begging me to stay but I couldn't, I couldn't stay in New Jersey. I had to get out of there.

After the death of my parents, I fell into a dark hole. I kept pushing my friends and family away and didn't speak to anyone at all.

But one day, everything changed.

And I knew, I had to do something out of my life.

I had to make my parents proud.

After all, I have to make my dreams come true.

As I sit in the car, I look out of the window. The traffic is horrible, but that gives me the chance to look around New York and admire it.

Huge skyscrapers everywhere.

Hundreds of people on the streets.

That's what New York is known for.

I looked out of the other window and my attention was drawn to a couple, laughing while coming out of a PhotoBooth.

I only had one boyfriend in my whole life time.

His name was Ryan.

Ryan and I met in Highschool and fell in love with each other. He was that kind of boyfriend who tried to make me feel good.


We practically never argued and he was always there for me when I needed him. He wasn't that kind of guy who would get aggressive or even abusive. Ryan was always very gentle with me.

After graduation, we went to the same college and everything seemed so perfect.

Until the death of my parents.

I distanced myself from everyone, including Ryan. I just didn't feel the same for him anymore. It's not that I broke his heart.

He felt the same way.

After we broke up everything seemed to be getting worse. I never ate, I never slept.

I just couldn't deal with so much pain.

I found a book on an old bookshelf of my parents. It had multiple family photos in it.

It was that time that I knew, my parents would want me to be happy again.

That's why I am sitting in that Taxi now.



"Are you alright ?" the Taxi driver asked me.

"Ehm yes sorry I was just, lost in my thoughts."

I stepped out of the taxi.


I stood in front of a high building. It looked incredible and I was so excited to see my apartment.

After I paid the driver I made my way inside. My apartment was on the 7th floor. Pretty high if you ask me, but my best friend Leyla, thought it would be perfect for me.

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