f i v e (rewriting)

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"Is that what you desire ?"

Kylie River

Taila, the secretary gave me a confused look when I showed up at her counter, completely out of breath.

Fuck, he's going to kick me out.

I panicked. I screwed up all of this because I was so stupid and didn't listen to him. It's just a color why couldn't I just answer the question?

But why was he such a stupid asshole?

"Could you tell me where I need to go?" I asked her and tried to calm myself down.

"Dray- eh I mean Mr. Ville, said you could show me my office," I said, slightly stressed.

"Eh, yes of course come with me."

We walked through a few more doors and down another hallway until we got to number 330.

How big is this place?

"Here are your keys"

Taila gave me a couple of keys with a white collar, written Belle Ville Company on it.

"Thank you" I smiled and opened the door to my office.

It was a pretty small office with a small desk and a computer, but the view was amazing as always.

I sat down at my desk and looked around carefully.

I'll get a few more things, to make myself as comfortable as possible.

After a few minutes, I heard a loud knock on the door.

I was a little startled because I thought it might be Dray but then I realized, he would certainly not have been so polite to knock.

"Hi, Mr. Ville said I should bring this to you."

Taila came in and put a stack of papers on my desk. Looks like my dear boss won't kick me out yet.

I took a closer look at the paperwork. Lots of invoices and orders. Great, and I thought I could start with a little bit more exciting part.

"You have the whole week to work on this. There is a lunch break at 12:30 p.m. that lasts until 2 p.m. Everyone finishes at 6 p.m." she took a paper out of her pocket.

"Mr. Ville told me, he would expect you to be here at 8 am every day, so you can learn as much as possible."

"Thank you Taila, you are a great help," I said and smiled. She smiled back at me and walked out of my office shutting the door behind her.

Let's get this started.


I sat at my desk all day. Even if my boss was an ass, I wanted to get the best out of myself.

I was happy when I finished and headed straight home. It was only 7 p.m. but after such a long day at work, I decided to just sit on the couch, order a pizza and watch Netflix.

But as soon as the doorbell rang, someone other than the delivery man stood in front of me.

"Hey Tom"

He didn't answer.

"What's going on? Is everything alright ?" I asked as he looked at me quite annoyed.

"Is it true that your boss is the guy from the club?" He asked and I could hear the jealousy in his voice.

"How do you know-?"I asked.


Of course, Ruby.

„Yes, it's true," I said.

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