t h i r t y - f o u r (rewriting)

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This chapter is dedicated to swaggygirllll aulena123 tamarx03

"Do you trust me? "

Kylie River

"But there's one more thing I wanted to tell you"

He at me in amazement and I bit my lower lip trying to hold back my tears.

Fuck I hadn't even started talking and I was already starting to cry. I took a deep breath and wanted to start talking again but couldn't get a word out and buried my head in my hands.

"Hey hey hey" I heard Dray's voice next to me and felt him placing my face in his hands so that I had to look into his eyes.

"Listen, I know I wasn't the best and my behavior sucked, but I'll get better. Whatever it is, Kylie, you can tell me."

He gave me a slight smile and put his hand on my thigh while patiently waiting for me to calm down.

I took a short sniff and rubbed my whole face before looking at the shimmering water in front of me and starting to talk.

I was really happy that I hadn't put on any make-up today.

"The night, I mean the night when everything went wrong. It wasn't really because of you Dray. It wasn't because of Tom, either. I don't want you to give each other the grace for that."

I looked over at him briefly and paused before he lightly squeezed my thigh and moved closer to me so that my body was only inches away from his.

"Keep talking." He said softly and gave me a serious look.

"I didn't want to talk to anyone about it. I didn't want to tell anyone about it. Maybe it was wrong not to tell, but I just couldn't. He said he would find me again."

I saw Dray's hands bawling into fists and he clenched his jaw. He knew something was wrong but I just kept talking.

I had already started talking, there was no turning back now. Now I had to keep talking.

I knew I could trust him. After he told me about his Best Friend, I had a completely different view of him.

I knew I could trust him with that. He was the only one who would understand.

"I went to a club. I-I don't know why I did that either, it just felt right."

I felt the tears running down my cheeks and knew that the next words that would come out of my mouth would cost me a lot.

"A guy was there, and the next instant I saw him-him all blurry. I was dragged into a room and I- I don't know how that happened either, he just did it." I sobbed and the memory of that night immediately gave me goosebumps all over my body.

The thought of it tore me apart again.

"Oh my fucking god Kylie," Dray whispered after a brief silence and wrapped his arms around my entire body to hug me closer.

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